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"I don't suck at video games. Eli sucks at video games." Demetri walked next to his best friend, taking a drink from the can in his hand. The two had just gotten done playing many rounds of different video games at their third best friends house, Eli.

"No you suck. I annihilate you both every time," Katie let out a laugh, fixing her hat on her head.

"You spend ungodly hours playing games."

"So does Eli!"

"Okay, whatever. Point is, we don't suck." Demetri pointed a finger at her as the girl turned and started walking backwards so she could face him.

"I do believe you do. See it's all about strategy. If you would take a second and think-"

Before Katie could continue her sentence, her foot caught the edge of the uneven sidewalk and she went tumbling back. Demetri dropped the can in his hand, reaching out to catch the girl, but it was too late, she already landed on her hands.

"Ohmygod-are you okay?" Demetri urgently knelt down, examining his friend for injuries.

"Yeah, just scraped up my hands." Katie glanced down at her palms, which had dirt and grime mixing in with small bits of blood.

"Come on, we can fix you up at my house." Demetri helped the girl up, gently leading her towards his house barely a block away, completely forgetting his dropped can. Katie tried her best to ignore the pain, which had started to pulse.

"You're an idiot, how many times do I have to tell you not to walk backwards on a sidewalk? I'm getting tired of bandaging your hands," Demetri mumbled in irritation as he slowly disinfected the small cuts on Katie's hands.

"You don't have to," Katie muttered in return, feeling slightly bad for the fact that he was right.

"Have to what?"

"Bandage me up."

"If I don't, you won't do it right. Then your hands will get infected. Then, you'll have to get your hands cut off. Do you want your hands cut off?"


"Then let me do it."

Katie giggled at him, finding him absolutely adorable as his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. She let him work in silence, wincing every once and a while. Every time Demetri would apologize profusely.

"There, all done." Demetri nodded to himself, checking it over once more. Once he deemed it good, he packed up the small first aid kit and put it back underneath his bed again. Katie stood up from the bed she was oh-so familiar with.

"I better get home before my mom gets worried." She grabbed her bag. Demetri nodded, grabbing his phone and putting it into his pocket. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Walking you home? You can't even walk on a sidewalk without tripping and scraping something," He defended himself, grabbing her arm and leading her outside. Katie held up her bandaged hands in defense and allowed him to do so. Their talk of video games continued as the two walked another block towards the black and blue haired girl's house.

"Welp, this is me." She paused in her footsteps, turning towards her friend. "See you tomorrow?"

"Duh," Demetri rolled his eyes sarcastically. Katie smiled gently at his teasing, leaning in and hugging him. The awkward male tensed for a moment before he relaxed into her hold. His arms wrapped around her middle for just a moment, doing his best to be as respectful as possible.

The two parted ways after a moment. Katie sent the male one last smile, heading up the steps and into her home. Demetri watched her go, making sure she got inside safe before he turned around to walk home.

Both with idiotic smiles on their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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