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Harry is just a normal boy that everyone loves. He never fails to put a smile on his face and make people around him happy with his presence. Everyone thought that he lives a perfect happy life, not a single soul would thought that he might be putting on a facade or that he is suffering by himself. If anyone ever ask him how is he doing, his reply would always be the same two words which are "I'm fine". The words that come out from his mouth might say that he's fine but his eyes tells a whole different story. You can actually see the pain in his eyes but nobody seems to take notice of it.

School is Harry's source of happiness. He's always excited to go to school every single day even though he put on a fake smile most of the time. He's happy to be surrounded by his friends talking and having a laugh with them. Content. That's what he feels being around them. He can be "himself" when he's with them and he knows they would never judge him for who he is but there's some things that need to remain hidden from them.

He tried his absolute best to hide the real him from the world. The one where his heart is broken to pieces, the countless night he cried himself to sleep, how he's being treated at home, let's not forget the amount of love he received from his parents, which is just a little might I add. That's the real him. The one that have been through hell and back throughout his whole life.

People always say that a home is a place where you feel safe. To Harry, it's the exact opposite of safe. It's not really a dangerous place for him per se, it's just that he feels like he doesn't even belong in his own home. His parents are always busy that they hardly spend time together as a whole family. Then there's his sister who doesn't treat him like her own biological brother, more to a maid in the house since he's the one doing all the cleaning.

His life wasn't like this when he was a little boy. He got equal amount of love from his family but it all came crashing down when he turns 7. His parents started to get even busier with their work and he doesn't even want to get started on his sister, it's like she completely change from the person he once used to know.

Ever since then he have these thoughts daily, what have my life become? , what did I do to deserve all of this? , why is my life being turned upside down? And all other sorts of questions keep on popping in his head. When he gets tired of thinking it, he ends up crying himself to sleep and repeat the same thing on the next day. Till this day, he never have the answers to all of his questions.

He just wish that one day someone would come to his life and discover the real him so that he can be protected.


Hi guys! I'm finally back to writing this book again. I've decided to make a few changes to it and also add some other elements to this story. There would be some triggering chapters but I'll be sure to put a trigger warning on the top of the chapter when I post it! Hope y'all enjoy this story as much I enjoy writing it <3

Next chapter will be posted on the coming week. Stay tuned!

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