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Hello everyone, before starting I want to clarify that this will be a "Translation" into English of the original fic that is in Spanish in my other profile

I want to clarify that I am practicing my English so any correction will be gladly accepted

Well, apart from that I will give a few points to clarify in this fic

1 - The Naruto that I am going to use is going to make an innocent and playful version that is going to be OP. The reason is that I do not want to use the serious Naruto as they seem a bit boring to me and I want something that goes with my writing

2 - This fic is purely Naruto x Posedeia (Fem Poseidon) so no harem, love triangle Etc.

3 - The plot will be very focused on the romance part, but without leaving the action

With all that let's start with the fic





"Damn unhappy" - The one who spoke was a beautiful woman with blond hair that reached to the middle of her back, with white skin that looked like porcelain and blue eyes that looked like the reflection of the same ocean. This beautiful woman was Posedeia the Greek goddess of the tide, older sister of Zeus and younger of Hades

 This beautiful woman was Posedeia the Greek goddess of the tide, older sister of Zeus and younger of Hades

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- At this moment she was walking through the forest in an angry way. She was a calm goddess and very cold with others, but the problem came when Zeus has been trying to seduce her. No matter how much he reminded her that he was married to Hera it just didn't seem to matter. Sometimes she wishes she could stick his pitchfork up his butt but she knew Zeus wouldn't stop.

-She was relaxing a few hours ago in her chambers on Olympus when Zeus in one of her attempts to sleep with her, tried to drug her with an aphrodisiac. The simple fact of remembering that, made a feeling of anger grow in her but quickly dispose of that feeling. God must not feel worldly feelings like those, God was a perfect being

"Well ... he's an exception ..." - The goddess murmured with a small and tiny blush. One of the main reasons why she did not allow herself to be seduced by Zeus or any man, is because she would never betray him ... she will never allow herself to do so.

Without saying anything else, the goddess of the seas continued her way around the forest with a cold look on her face. She was known as the 'Tyrant Of The Seas' because when it came to the Ocean, she ruled with an iron fist, but she still did all that. To her own surprise, she managed to find what for her was the most useless and mundane thing possible ... love.

- Even with all the hardness and coldness that he possessed. A person managed to embed himself in his cold heart, something that at first he resigned and denied but over time he accepted. Mind you, he didn't tell anyone on Olympus, not even his mother. She wasn't going to say it out loud but she was afraid, afraid that some of the idiots that she had for brothers (minus Hades and Hestia) would do something to her but more she was afraid that Zeus would try to harm her. Uhh if she discovers that Zeus dared to touch her even a hair of her lover, she would stick the trident up her butt until it came out of her mouth

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