For 'earths mightiest heros', you're pretty shit at your job

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"Tony are you sure we went the right way, this place looks deserted."

"Of course it is, this is just a short cut back to the compound. Or is angry old  Doctor banner scared."

"No Tony, it's just we have limited weapons on us and at least two of us can't fight." 

The six of them ( Tony,Steve,Bucky,Bruce,Natasha and Clint ) all went out to have shwarmama ,which was obviously Tonys idea, to celebrate Clints new baby child.

"Yeah yeah, capsicle, we all know Clint is useless without his precious bow and arrow."

Tony taunted again.

"Your included in that as well Tony."

He just rolls his eyes at Natasha's remark.

They all kept walking on proceeding to see the streets get worse and worse.

"Tony we should probably turn back, people round hear would probably love to have our heads hung on their living room  wall."

"Nonsense barnes, we could just ask someone for directions and they will peacefully tell them to us whilst professing how much they love us."

"I don't think that-"

"See I hear someone, told you I was right."

"Tony don't-"

He turns the corner into the small dim lit alleyway to see a girl with a knife in her hands, threatening a quivering guy against the wall.

"Hello- woah"

Y/n's pov moments before

"You don't seriously think I'm that stupid, do you?"

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"You knew exactly what you were doing and still decided to try and steal from me."

"I didn't know it was you."

"But you would have if you didn't know."

He really thinks I'm stupid

I bring my knife that was in my left hand and hold it up to his throat to just scare him a little

"Well let's both hope for your sake that you mean that ."

"Hello- whoa."

I turn my head to see who was walking by and loah and behold the fucking avengers in stance with weapons

Oh fuck I'm screwed

"Put the knife down and we won't hurt you."

Sparkly pants really thinks that is how things work around here


Sensing my confusment and slight hesitation with the knife, the guy jabs his knee into the my stomach and i double overs in extreme pain.

"Fuck, ow"

That fucking bitch 

The guy climbs the rickety metal ladder leading up into one of the buildings, placed their strategically by  one of the local gangs in case they needed to escape from being cornered in

"See what you twats did."

I said still bent over clutching my stomach, throwing my hand up to the window he escaped through.

These idiots really have fuck all idea what they are gonna get themselves into

"Ma'am we are going to have to ask you to come with us."

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