Chapter One

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Your tired [eye color] eyes moved from the ticking clock that hung on the faded orange wall, to the silent phone laying beside your clean, empty plate. Your perfectly manicured fingernails gently drummed on the surface of the wooden tabletop as you sat in boredom. You honestly weren't surprised that he was late. You had to admit that the first couple of times were worrisome, but after a year of late arrivals and apologetic texts explaining his change of plans, you unfortunately became quite adapted to the routine.

Checking the time once again, you watched as the hour hand moved, indicating your time to leave.

With a sigh, you picked up your backpack, not even bothered by his late arrival. You should've expected this, but you still had a small annoying voice tell you that maybe, just maybe, he would spare at least a couple of hours with you, if not ten minutes.

Brushing away your [hair length] [hair color] hair with your fingers, you released another tired breath. Your eyes lingered back to the clock once more as you noted the hour. Pursing your lips, you couldn't deny the small twinge of pain that clenched at your heart.

"Should've known," you whispered, your fingers gripped at the door handles for a few seconds before you let your tense shoulders deflate and reluctantly push the doors open; exiting the yakitori restaurant in silence.

Once the cool air nipped at your cheeks, you shoved your hands into your coat, your eyes gazing up at the orange skies that faded into a dark blue and black shade. The stars twinkled and the nice breeze brought all your troubles at ease. It made you think while taking a few steps towards your home route.

However, as soon as you were ten feet away from the restaurant, you felt a body push against your back, almost making you stumble to the floor if it weren't for the person holding on tightly to your waist. "[Name]-chan!" The person breathed, his hands gripping your coat for dear life. "I-"

"Forgot." You finished for him, your arms moving to gently peel yourself away from his tight hold. "I know Tooru."

Turning around, your eyes met regretful brown hues. The person standing before you was still in uniform, his arm halfway in his sweater as his messy brown hair swept around more wildly than usual. His skin was covered in sweat and his cheeks were tinted red for the cold climate air and what looks to be an afternoon run.

Looking at him up and down, your gaze finally settled on his eyes, "Yeah, I kinda suspected you forgot about our date two hours ago."

Tooru looked at you sheepishly, "I'm sorry, [Name]-chan."

Crossing your arms over your chest, you turned your eyes to the empty streets, "I am too." You mumbled, making the male bite his inner cheek.

A moment of silence passed before you sighed. Your hands stuffed into your coat pockets again before you turned and began to walk across the street.

Following right behind, Tooru made sure to keep in sync with your steps. "Are you mad?" He asked hesitantly, not wanting you to burst despite knowing how easy-going you were.

As reality had put it, you didn't shout nor scream. Instead, you merely sighed. "No. I'm not." You muttered, keeping your eyes on the sidewalk ahead of you as you walked towards the public park. Running your fingers through your hair, you frowned in deep thought, "I just wish you didn't forget these things."

"I promise I won't forget next time!" Tooru exclaimed, jumping right in front of your way.

Stopping in your tracks, you looked at the male in disbelief, "You said that last time."

"This time I mean it." He ushered, his smile moving on his lips. Though he seemed to not look it, the male was absolutely terrified with the way you were behaving. You may not know it, but you were the only girl he actually stayed with for so long. You took time to care and listen to him, not really caring for his looks or status. You were genuine, something he loved because of how your two personalities clashed. So the thought of you not feeling good about him or the relationship brought him into a panic state.

Licking your lips, you took a deep breath, "Tooru, I respect that you enjoy volleyball- I even encourage this path you're taking! But I don't think I could keep doing this anymore."

Tooru's heart stopped. His eyes widened as he heard the words he's been dreading to hear since your lack of communication. He couldn't comprehend those words. Mostly because he refused to listen.

Holding both of your shoulders, Tooru looked into your eyes pleadingly, "[Name]-chan please give me another chance! We can make this work. You know I care about you-"

"And I care about you too Tooru!" You cut him off, your voice slightly cracked with your words, "But you keep forgetting dates, calls, special events- it's come to the point where I don't think this is even a relationship anymore."

Tooru bit his tongue. He wanted to refuse, but he knew you were right. He's been neglecting you over the last couple of months because he's been busy thinking about volleyball and his studies. However he had just hoped you would continue to dismiss his attitude until graduation where you both would attend the same college and live a more carefree life! But you were human, and like all humans, you had limits.

Pursing your lips, you leaned over to Tooru, your weight being pressed on the tips of your toes as you brought him into a warm embrace. "I'm sorry." You muttered, just as Tooru wrapped his arms around your waist, his face burying into your hair.

"Please don't leave me." he pleaded, "Just one more chance."

You softly petted his hair, "Focus on the training camp. Come back as strong as ever."

Tooru gripped your arms, gently pushing you away to meet your [eye color] eyes. "No." He stated, his eyes looking thoughtfully at the ground.

Frowning, you tilted your head on confusion, "Tooru?"

"[Name], listen to me." Cupping your face, Tooru stared directly into your eyes, his dark brown hues looking as determined as they did on the court. "I, Oikawa Tooru, promise you, [Surname] [Name], that I'll stop forgetting dates. I'll stop being a jerk and make time for you. I promise that I'll become the best boyfriend ever. Just you watch [Name]-chan, when I come back from the training camp, I'll be better than strong. I'll be the best boyfriend ever."

Moving a hand to Tooru's, you gently squeezed his fingers. You wanted to reject his words, but his eyes looked at you with such a pleading look that you couldn't help but agree with a sigh. "Promise?" you asked, your voice uncertain as you searched Tooru's face for any signs of hesitance.

Squeezing your hand back, Tooru moved his lips to your own.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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