Ndikhulile ke ndihlala with my grandpa grandmo and my siblings i grew up as an spoilbrated child yet my dad passon at the early atage didn't have a to experience a fathers love exept my grandpa.He was like an father to me but iknew he was my moms dad not mine but he filled the love of my father.But knew he's going to die sometime🙆🏻♂️
Thats where i began to have love patience in everything but some ppl suggest that um dumpNdikhulile ndayofunda e quzini amabanga am aphantsi apho ke ndifike ndafunda u Grade7 khona ndagqithela kwaphezulu e mbulelo benekane i started falling inlove kuthe ngo 2014 ndizolungiselela ukoluka my grand died ngo November iwas his brother ngo october so ndaphela ndiyeka for 2014 ndajonga kunyaka ozayo in Zeleni i had a friend called Samkelo i saw this gal on facebook but yena ndabe ndimazi uba uhlalaphi 🙆🏻♂️🌹ndam add ku facebook gueess what i was a player at the moment ndingekaz nto ngothando at all but seeing his picture made me fell inlove immodestly(immediately)but unfortunately zange andinike chance ngeloxesha but ndandisaz ukuba one day she'll be mine bcz ndamthanda ndiqala umbona kakhulu iloved her with all my heart but i was in a relationship with some gals but i saved her pic iremember she was wearing an black jacket with his uncestral white neck thing thats where i started to know what love is what is it that differ between an love and lust it was really love from the onset
2015 ndiye ndayokoluka in.Zeleni i kept asking her cousins about her but nda.dingeka fumani chance yoba nsidibane naye that gal was unique xem ayikuba ndamthethelela u'never see her even kwase shop its clear that akazi kwa igama lika myfriend😂 yaz into endandiyithanda ngaye yi personality yakhe ndlela aziphethe ngayo just make me feel uthando olu profound kakhulu mamela ke story👀
Ndangu bhuti
Still i never a chance yaba ndihlangane naye but still uthando lwam for her lwalihlezi lukhona lukhula mihla yonke though was kwi relationship ezininz futh kuthe ekuhambeni kwexesha noko sendiqhelile pha sendiphuma kwi relationship ezininz kwapha it was 2017 kwakusondele festive season kwakuselwa konwatyiwe sasigumbini elinye sibaniz iwanted to talk to her ndamcela ndamcenga but engafuni wade wandimamela although sasisele sobabini but iknew that day was going come U gal ke ngu Sinovuyo Klaas intombi yese MaJwarheni entle enentliziyo entle encinci futh😅🌹💍ndamshela u gal okwesibini wathi uyandithanda naye ngentliziyo yakhe yonke saphuma so chiller phandle ixesha elide kakhul ehleli phambi kwam ekuzeni kusa njalo into endingazanga ndayifumana like we even had chance yoba siy kwi intercourse but no i we wanted to take things easier for both of us because we believed on each other kakhulu kwahamba ixesha sincokola kamandi futh no gal sihleli ngase theni kusekuzeni kusa wandiboleka vicks if um not mistaken yaphela isiya kwi pocket yam nge mistake sayiliba sobabini ndamkhapha wa goduka phofu wayezakuya kokwabo ezantsi koo Makazi bakhe apho nditshomen ne czn zakhe khona
Kwakungekho kude kokwabo phofu kulendawu sasikuyo so ndamkhaph sama gatin ndandingafuni ugoduka bcz ndAndi enjoy kakhul uncokola naye i bendisaz that i had to go naye ayo restNdagoduka so soncokola via WhatsApp bcz ke kwTh kant naye uthanda yena even noba sAsinabo oh facebook
Kwasa then kukho elaxesha le morning text mos😅 we were so cool on each other fine emini wandibuza ndenzan i remember ndandizoz sikela slice se cake then i took a picture ndandisebesin bcz was homies around with that rubbing thing Vicks she noticed that referred to the pic i send it to her
Ngalonto ndAfunda nto ngaye ngalonto i cant share it ryt now but ayont imbi or i funny but umntuwam sathandana kwa fika thuba sithathe i break yophuka yazingceba ntliziyo yam but ihad no choice bcz ndandimthanda though engasandithandi yena😭💔lahamba ixesha mna naye singathethisani kwanyanzeleka uba ndijole nomnt though ndingamthandi almost a year 2018 i remember kwKunetha ndandihamba ne frnd yam so silinde imvula kwenye indlu ezantsi kwetha so ithe yakubanesiqabu saphuma wow kanti naye wayelinde imvula ezantsi kulo tatakhe sadibana ndlela endandonwabe ngayo ngaphakathi ntlizweni andaz ingath ndandibona ntoni ndaqonda noba ndandihamba nosbali loo sisithandw seyam intliziyo andinongambulisi ndamphathisa iplastic leyo wayeyiphethe sahamba ndmkhapha ndambuza kutheni wakhetha ukohlukana nam wathi kuba wayendithanda and eyophangela kude waye soyika ndimjolele guess bcz i loved her nda understand ndacela i no yakhe ndabe mna ndiphethe i tablet so le no njengba ndiyicofa ndoyika ibethwe ngumkhwitsho wemvula so ndacinga ndiyi bhazile so that ihlale kwi dials kant no andenzanga lonto . Xandifika endlini ndiyijonga ayikho so ndambhalela ku f.b ndicela aphinde andiphe lo no leyo wNdipha ndambhalela ku WhatsApp saphinda sabuyelana No Sinojanoja wAM🌷 SA HAPPY U KNOW KE CHALLENGES WILL ALWAYS BE THERE sixabana hayi kuba ndandidikiwe nguye qha mistake yam yaba kuthandana kakhulu ndambonisa futh lonto and kulapho ndYeka khona uthandana nabant ababini or ngaphezulu ndajongana naye yedwa kwakunzima kuba ke ndandingaqhelanga uthandana nomnt omnye kodwa ndAnyamezela ndande ndaqhela besixabana siyekane sibuyelane kodwA uthando lwM kuye soze lwAthathwa ngumntu never yahamba iminyaka 2021🙍🏻💔saphinda sohlukana bcz of my insecurities hayi kuba andimthembanga qha nomcindo ngelinye ixesha uyandongamela i was griefing as i am ryt now ndAphela ndihamba kwapha bcz ekugqibeleni ndNdingathandi kwa uhlalapha qha kuba umntuwam ehlala khona ndande ndAthanda xa ndiququmbela ndizothanda uveza uba uthando lunzima kwaye lufuna ube patient akho thando lu smooth qha funeka ujongane ne sehlo esehle ngeloxesha elo kodwa noba bangafika babebangaphi ebomimi bam soze bathathe indawu ka Sinovuyo Klass💔😭 enkosi