Lets begin, shall we?

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TW:Applied parental neglect/abuse, may have religious themes, death, blood mention

"They're back!" The small child shrieked as he stared at the ghostly white woman staring at him a top the stairs. "Dusty, sweetheart, for the last time-there is no one there! Just go upstairs and get ready for bed!" His mother sighed, trying to shove him up the stairs. "NO! NO! NO!" Dusty started to thrash and scream. "DUSTY THAT IS ENOUGH! GET UP THOSE STAIRS RIGHT NOW-I'M TIRED OF ASKING!" Dusty tensed a bit before giving up and slinking up the stairs, shaking violently as he approached the scary woman. However, the fear began to fade as she leaned down and held out a hand gently. He was still a bit scared, but more confused than anything. "It's alright my dear, I won't do anything to hurt you."  The spirit mumbled softly as Dusty took her hand. "However, you must listen to your mother and get to bed. No one likes a cranky mama." That got Dusty to giggle as he followed her into his room. Maybe this lady wasn't so bad. She was nicer than his mom at least...

Dusty sat at the breakfast table listening to his mom rave on and on to his father about "he keeps saying there is a lady on the stairs that watches him! That boy is insane Rick, I'm telling you!" "Caroline, you know kids have an active imagination." "Imagination my ass! If it was any of that imagination bullshit, than he would've stopped by now!" He stared blankly at his parents while he ate. He was tired of watching them fight over this. "Would you stop with this nonsense? At least for right now. You're fighting about a child's sanity in front of the damn child." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, stomping out of the room in anger. Rick looked at Dusty and sighed. "I'm sorry kiddo, how about after school, I get you some treats okay?" Dusty shook his head, pushing away his barley touched cereal as he got up. "I'm just gonna go wait for the bus." "You don't want me to drive you?" "No....no, it's okay." He then walked out of his house, and to the bus stop. There was that old man ghost again, waiting for him on the bench. He sat down and smiled at him. "Morning Chester." "Ah! You're finally talking to me this morning?" Chester teased the little kid before petting his hair. "Yeah, the nice ghost lady on the stairs told me I shouldn't be afraid anymore!" "Well ain't that somethin? Thought you'd never come around! You know-back in my day!-" Chester started on one of his tangents again. Dusty listened to him happily while those around him judged quietly, whispering. He didn't care, as long as he had the ghosts around him....he was alright. He was happy. He felt....safe. "Oh! Here's my bus! I gotta go-bye Chester!" Dusty flashed him a smile and ran onto the bus. "Bye kiddo! You know I'll be here all day if you want to talk more!" Dusty nodded and ran onto the bus..time for another day of hell.

      Dusty ran into his house sobbing and hiccuping. It happened again. The kids at his school relentlessly bullied him again about the ghosts. Of course, his dad was still at work and he didn't want to talk to his mom about it, she didn't believe him, so she would justify their actions again. Instead, he ran upstairs and slammed his bedroom door close, flopping onto his bed to cry. "Hello darling, I see your-" The ghost lady, who he found out was named Rosemary, went silent as she stared at him. He could tell she was angry. He didn't even have to look at her, he just knew. "Who...." He heard the rage in her voice. He could tell she was trying to hold back, she was ready to tear someone limb from limb. However, she calmed herself. "My dear...what happened? Who did this to you?" "The-the mean kids at school again. They keep making fun of me because I told them I could see you." He sniffled, trying to keep himself from breaking down. He can't cry. Not now. "Oh my dear....it's okay." Rosemary sat down on the bed and pulled him close. "Everything is alright. Children can be so cruel. They'll never understand." He hiccuped and looked up at her. "Rosemary....am I crazy?" "Oh my dear, no! You have a special gift. An amazing gift even...I promise you. Once you're older, I know you'll use this gift for great things." She smiled, which seems to open up the holes in her decaying cheeks. He sniffled and smiled. "Thank you...." "Anything for you my dear. However, you should rest now. It's best for you." He nodded and cuddled into her soft transparent dress as she draped a blanket over him. "Goodnight mama...." He mumbled before drifting to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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