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"What the fuck do you mean, 'He's gone'?" I found myself asking my uncle, Kyle, the soul searching and egotistical Capricorn of my family.
"I mean he's dead champ, don't you get it, your old man passed last night while you were out shacking up with that pretty little number of yours... You're so God damn stupid sometimes, you know that?" He retored back at me.
"Look Uncle Kyle, why the hell should it matter to me, Dad always had something rotten to say about me!"

Okay... Let's slow down a bit, the name's Crashe, Anthony Crashe, my dad was recently hospitolized for who knows what, prick deserves it for all i give a shit.... Yelling at Ma, I'm kinda happy he died.
I'm so damn tired of his constant bitching 'Boy, get the fuck outta the house and go do something with your life' he'd scream, me only being ten at the time, I never understood what he meant until I turned 18 and 'left him and Ma for dead' So says Uncle Kyle.

"So, yet again, champ you don't give two shits for your old man passing away."
"Why would I, he was mean, he hated me and everything that I was and still am, and to top it all off, only thing I ever got from him on my bithrdays were scars and new ones got added on every year!" I exploded while touching the most recent one over my right eyebrow that barely reached the bridge of my nose.
'God I hate that man', was the current thought going through my mind until my uncle uttered his next word.
"So then, it's settled, you ain't getting your inheritance the old man left behind for you." I could feel him smirking from behind the phone line, I detest Uncle Kyle sometimes, almost as much as i do my father.
"What inheritance, Dad never gave me anything, but you already know that because yo-"
"Because I'm the one who always bought you gifts, but your old man would always toss 'em, I know Champ, I know. Look just come over to the house when you get the chance, so we can actually talk about this, face to face..." There was an uncomforting silence on the end of the line followed by two words Uncle Kyle has only said to me one other time, and if I hear them it means something bad is going to happen.
"It's Important."


I drove to the house around 6 p.m., Daylights Savings Time wasn't over so it was getting pretty dark around that time. I pulled into the driveway of Uncle Kyles house where he was waiting..... for me, he stood outside in a grey flannel button down shirt, faded blue jeans, wearing his Pittsburgh Steelers baseball cap, and black cowboy boots. My Uncle Kyle was a regular country bumpkin.
"Hey...", I said
"How's it going Champ?" Uncle Kyle spoke with his southern accent
"You asked me here, plus my dad's dead, sooooo i guess everythings just fucking peaches and cream", I said aggressively, my Bostian Aries attitude showing out more than ever.
"So what do you want, U.K.?"
"I wanna talk to you about our family."
I let out a huge sigh of obvious boredom, Uncle Kyle didn't seem to care.
"Anyways, Champ, your dad left, not just you but, me something as well it's seriously kinda freaky."
"Freaky how?"
"Like, great detail freaky, here check this out." He handed me a letter from my dad's personal journal, I don't know why, but I ended up getting pretty pissed at uncle kyle for having ripped it out. He peeled a small tape off of the back of it.
"This is where it gets weird", he said as I took out a cigarette because I knew it doesn't bug Uncle Kyle, he suddenly stole it from me before i could i could light it.
"Hey! What the hell, gimme my smoke back U.K.!"
"No, you can have it when you leave you need to watch this, Anthony!" He actually used my name for once, now it was getting serious.


"What the hell it this about, Uncle Kyle?"
"Shut up, sit down, and listen... Dal, (my father's name was Dallas, I don't why and quite frankly I don't care either) he left a video for me and you to watch when he passed away," the entire time he was talking, he was placing the tape in the player, "and he said not to play it until a day passed since his death it gave his 'helpers' enough time to do their job."
"What job?"
"I'm not sure, Champ."
Great, not only was Dal unclear with what he wanted out of life but my old man decided to drag me to hell with him and now I really, more than really, hate that man. Uncle Kyle turned on the tape and pressed play.
     "Anthony.... I know I wasn't fair to you when yous was growing up kiddo."
"Got that right jackass." Uncle Kyle followed my comment with a stern look.
I glared in spite and hatred at Dal's face plastered on the TV.
"But it shouldn't matter now you ran off on me and your mother as soon as your 18th birthday turned, no note, nothing. You didn't even the balls to tell us goodbye."
Everything came flooding back into my memories as i felt my scars and deformed areas on my skin. Dal continued with his pathetic monologue.
"But like I said, Anthony, it's all in the past and it doesnt matter, now that youre watching this I'm going to assume Kyle is with you, how ya doing bro, hope Alaina's healthy and well."
He smiled over to where uncle Kyle was standing exactly, this was kind of freaky. It continued,
"Now that youre watching this, welp flat plain and simple, means I'm dead, so I hope you know you have a series of tests now to show you the things i never could as a father, here is your assignment."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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