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Bluestar - Blue-gray she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle


Fireheart - Handsome ginger tom

Apprentice, Cloudpaw


Cinderpelt - Dark gray she-cat

WARRIORS (Toms and she-cats without kits)

Whitestorm - Big white tom

Apprentice, Brightpaw

Darkstripe - Sleek black-and-gray tabby tom

Apprentice, Fernpaw

Frostfur - Beautiful white coat and blue eyes

Brindleface - Pretty tabby

Longtail - Pale tabby tom with dark brown stripes

Apprentice, Swiftpaw

Mousefur - Small dusky brown she-cat

Apprentice, Thornpaw

Brackenfur - Golden brown tabby tom

Dustpelt - Dark brown tabby tom

Apprentice, Ashpaw

Sandstorm - Pale ginger she-cat


Ashpaw - Pale gray (with darker flecks) tom, dark blue eyes

Brightpaw - She-cat, white with ginger patches

Cloudpaw - Long-haired white tom

Thornpaw - Golden-brown tabby tom

Swiftpaw - Black-and-white tom with amber eyes. 

Fernpaw - Pale gray (with darker flecks) she-cat, pale green eyes


Goldenflower - Pale ginger coat

Speckletail - Pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen

Willowpelt - Very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes


One-eye - Pale gray she-cat, the oldest she-cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deaf

Smallear - Gray tom with very small ears; the oldest tom in ThunderClan

Dappletail - Once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat

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