Dada? Do Mermaids really exist? The little girl cutely asked her father who's reading a newspaper.
He looks at his daughter with a smiling face and said.
"I believe they are, baby"
Really!? She squealed and jumped up and down with her hands clapping happily.
Her father's heart was happy to see her like that but her next words made his eyes widen in both surprise and shock.
"Dada, I will gonna marry the Mermaid one day!"
She said excitedly.
"Whom you gonna marry my little baby?"
It was her mother who just came into the living room with a glass of milk in her hands for her little girl.
Dada said there are Mermaids under the sea. And I will marry mermaid when I'm big.
She said with the same excitement in her voice to her mom.
Her mom glared at her husband who's now hiding behind the newspaper.
She wants to tell the girl that it's not real but she don't want to ruin her innocent little mind.
The cutie pie looked at her mom who's now in deep thoughts.
Mommy, can I? Can I marry a mermaid? She asked her mom nonetheless shaking her hands.
Ah? What? Oh.. Yes baby. Sure. She said as she ruffled her hair made her smile.
Yes! I'm gonna marry a mermaid~~~ ooh~~~~
the little girl sang happily and drank her milk in one go and left the room with a smile.
Honey, she's just a kid. Let her be. And also, she will soon know that it's just not true. Right? Besides, even when I'm a kid I used to think that Mermaids are real.
Her husband said as he let his wife sit beside her on the couch.
And what about now? Do you still think Mermaids are real like you told your daughter?
His wife asks him.
They are real. Hehe. He chuckled at his own reply and kiss on her lips which made his wife hit his shoulder playfully.