💖Gi-Hun x reader

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Request by: @_Evelyn_kageyama_1

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Request by: @_Evelyn_kageyama_1

I just love that pfp-



"Y/n if we get caught your so dead" gi hun said


Y/n puts on her robber mask "don't worry, I promise were not gonna get caught" y/n said walking towards a big house, gi hun followed

So you see...

Y/n and gi hun are 15

They were dared to break into a mean ass man's house, and take some stuff

"I don't have a good feeling about this" gi hun said "me ethier, but we have to do this, if we want win that money from (person that dared then to do this)"

"Are you really that desperate?" Gi hun ask "shut up, money is the reason why we exist" y/n said crouching besides a window "facts" someone said behind them

Y/n and gi hun turn around and gasp, sang woo was behind them crossing his arms "god damnit sang woo, you scared the living pickle face flip phone butter shit out of me" y/n said holding her chest, trying to soow her breathing down

"I apologize" sang woo said "what are you even doing here?" Gi hun ask "I've come to be your back up" sang woo said "aw how cute" y/n said "he does care for us" y/n said fake sniffing

Sang woo rolled his eyes, "I suggest you be as careful and quite as you can" sang woo said "what why?" Gi hun ask, y/n slap the back of gi hun head  "The man has a guard dog in there" sang woo said

"What kind?"


"Yep nvm let's go home" gi hun said getting up "you pussy" y/n said "fine looks like I'll have to do this myself" y/n said opening the window slowly "are you serious!?" Gi hun said "dead ass" y/n said as she crawls her way in the house through the window

Yoo let's goo!!!!

"Wait y/n" sang woo said, he grabbing a pepper spray, "just in case" sang woo said "thank you senpai" y/n said "yeah dont ever call me that again " sang woo said pushing his glasses up

Y/n slowly stared walking through halls, she look around and saw a drawer,  she carefully open it

While she was doing that let's get back to sang woo and Gi Hun

"Just go with her" sang woo said "I am I am!! I'm just...a little nervous" Gi Hun said "yeah no shit" sang woo said, Gi Hun grumbles then sighs

"Alright I'm going in" Gi Hun said crawling through the window, he he started walking through the hallway and spotted y/n

"Hey y/n " Gi Hun whispered "heeeyy" y/n said "look at this bro! I think I found a golden watch!" Y/n said then fist bump the air "boo yeah!!" Y/n whispered

"alright now-" y/n was cut off by a growl in the shadow, Gi Hun and y/n look towards the corner of the wall, seeing a dog showing off its teeth

Y/n and Gi Hun froze...."what do we do?" Gi Hun whispered "walk backwards slowly,  at least that's what I saw in movies" y/n said doing the moon walk backwards "how are you even doing that!?" Gi Hun ask "cuz I literally the recreation of Micheal Jackson" y/n said th rn made s little 'hee hee' sound

Gi Hun took a step backwards but the floor board made a loud ass creek sound, the dog bark then ran towards Gi Hun and froze in pool place

Y/n push Gi hun out of the way and sprayed the dog with pepper spray "get pepper sprayed bitch!! Haha!!" Y/n said then did the 'let's groove' dance from tiktok

(The big beef men in maid outfits dancing)

"Begone thot! Go away! I'm the man of God-" y/n was cut off from her amazing singing by Gi Hun, he drag her and ran towards the window they came from

He push her out the window then went out himself, sang woo closes the window "you guys good" sang woo said

"Yes" y/n and Gi Hun said "great let's go" sang woo said walking away "k" y/n said following him, Gi Hun grab her hand "uh.. y/n" Gi Hun said "yess?" Y/n said walking "i... nvm" Gi Hun said "no no finish up" y/n said "uhh er... " Gi Hun started sweating

"Guys I think the cops are coming " sang woo said, "oh shit come on then" y/n said walking faster "...are they really coming?"Go Hun ask "no, thank me later since I just saved you" sang woo said "Sang woo, you should help me" Gi Hun said "why..?" Sang woo said "help me ask y/n out?" Gi Hun whispered ".....sure....since your terrible at this stuff,a
And besides.... i might have some tricks up my sleeve " sang woo said "Thanks!!" Gi Hun said

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