" Attitude is everything"
"Bad character soils you"
"No man will want you with that attitude"
"You need to have a man before you are called a woman"
"You are nothing without them"
"Women are meant to be seen not heard"
"Obey without complaint"
Dont do this.......... you are a girl
Don't do that........ you are a girl
These are commonly repeated utterances
Sit, stand, move; they tell us and we do like mindless robots
To them we are possessions
Anything less than perfection is tossed out
After all no one likes a damaged good
They forget that we are human beings just like them
They forget that we have hearts beating in our chest just like them.
They forget that we were born just like them.
But its unfortunate that patriarchy thinks nothing of us
Just because of our lack of a specific gender tract.
It has belittled women so much that even they think they are worth nothing
It has built a world where women have no say in anything.
Where women are projected as too dumb to make decisions
But what do I know?
Afterall I'm just a...
Secret Thoughts
Randomjust some random thoughts and feelings that people experience everyday