But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating

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Alex sniffled dramatically while on Facetime with Henry in the bathroom.

"I just...I want you, and I want your special cuddles..", he trailed off. "..being the Prince's fiancé is hard." Alex looked away from the camera for dramatic effect.

"Business is business, love", Henry said, in that perfect posh accent Alex loved every day, every day but that day. All he could think about was his fiancé being 1,000 miles away, busy with whatever tax crisis they have this time. "..you're proper sick, aren't you?" Alex snorted and coughed.

"Yes, you dumbass", he replied. "Do you want proof or something?" Guilt washed over Henry's face. He should be there with Alex, not arguing over foreign policies with his brother.

"I'll be home soon, love", Henry replied. "Hey, at least you have David there to keep you company." Alex shrugged slightly.

"Anyway, say 'hi' to my second favorite Prince of Wales, would ya?", he asked. "Oh, and Philip too." Henry tried to suppress a laugh.

"Who were you referring to the first time, dear?", he asked.

"Obviously his son, His Royal Highness Prince Arthur Edward Spencer Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor of Wales", Alex replied, surprisingly all in one breath. "Love that little dude."

"He misses you, you know", Henry said. "He's pretty much forming full sentences now, and one of those sentences happens to be 'where Alex?'" Alex smiled.

"Love him", he replied. Alex looked down at the toilet. "..alright, well, I'm gonna let you get back to whatever you were doing being I called."

"I was getting ready to go to sleep, love, it's 9 for me, remember?", Henry teased. "You should get back in bed if you feel terrible."

"Wasn't in bed" Alex admitted. "I was..working. Before you say it, I know it's bad, but I hate just lying in bed all day, especially when you're not lying in bed with me."

"Alex-", Henry started.

"Alex, your health is more important than work", Alex mocked, with the British accent and everything. "Goodnight." Alex hung up without another word.


Around 7 that night, Alex time, Alex took his temperature and settled into bed for the night. He sent a text to Henry, knowing he wouldn't get it till the morning. 100.5. After that, he sent Henry a selfie from their bed, David cuddled up next to him.

He wasn't expecting a response so quickly, but the three dots popped up on his screen almost immediately after he sent the picture. doctor tmrw? Then, my good boys

Alex considered sending a text, but couldn't seem to get his fingers to type out a valid response, so decided to respond in the morning.


That was a mistake. When Alex woke up the next morning with a dozen worried texts from Henry and 4 missed calls. He sighed and sat up, instantly feeling the effects of his sickness, and tried to call Henry. After 4 rings, it went to his voicemail. in a meeting, i'll call you later

Screw meetings, Alex thought. He threw the phone back on the bed and stretched, feeling the strong urge to throw up. Alex got up from the bed and bolted to the bathroom, hovering over the toilet, and dry heaving.

After many minutes of dry heaving, Alex got up from the bathroom floor and washed his face. After gathering himself, he walked back to the bedroom and made a doctor's appointment.


4 hours later, Alex arrived back home from his appointment, both confused, and relieved at the same time. The doctor told him he had a common sinus infection, but also another thing, the two things were not related whatsoever.

He was kind of pissed that Henry hadn't tried to call him or text him at all in the hours before his appointment, but Alex had to remind himself that Henry was probably still busy. just got back from dr. not dying yet.

It took a full 30 minutes for Henry to respond. did they say what was wrong? Alex sent back a quick response, tell you later, then passed out on the couch for the rest of the night.


Over on Henry's side of the world, the posh prince was finishing up his meetings, per usual. But, he promised himself that as soon as he finished up the meeting he was in, he would get on the next flight back home to Alex. His lover needed him and he was stuck in another country, reviewing their foreign affairs.

"Better get a move on, we have another meeting after this", Phillip informed his brother.

"I can't survive another meeting with you", Henry squipped. "I need to get back to Alex, he's sick. You'll have to fend for yourself on the next one." Henry collected his things and dashed out the door of the meeting room.

Approximately an hour later, Henry was on a plane back to New York City. He landed in New York City at around 9:30 pm, since he took off at around 2 pm NYC time.

The first thing Henry heard when he got into the apartment was David, barking away like there was no tomorrow. Whether Alex was asleep or not, Henry gently shushed David and proceeded through the brownstone.

Henry found his lover asleep on the couch, having no idea how long he had been there. With one quick swoop, Henry picked up his fiancé and carried him to their bedroom, hoping the bed would be much more comfortable than the couch.

After laying Alex down, Henry took off his pants and shirt, then quietly took off Alex's clothes. That has got to make him feel so much better, he thought, lying in bed to his love. Alex groaned softly and rolled on his side facing Henry. His eyes fluttered open.

"Hen..", Alex hesitated, worried that the man he was staring at wasn't even there at all, that is was just a figment of his temporarily impaired imagination.

"Hi, love", Henry replied, brushing Alex's cheek with his fingertips. "How are you feeling?" Alex whined.

"Tired", he whispered. "Need so much sleep." Henry kissed Alex's nose. "Why are you back so early?"

"Did you think I was going to make you stay here and take care of yourself when you're sick?", Henry asked him. "I finished the really important meetings and passed the others off to Phillip to take care of." Alex smiled lazily.

"I have my boy back", he murmured, closing his eyes. Henry smiled softly.

"That you do", he replied. "What did the doctor tell you, love?" Henry could see Alex's body tense and he opened his eyes back up.

"I have a simple sinus infection", Alex said. "...and I'm sort of..pregnant." Henry started to laugh.

"That's a joke, right?", he asked. "I mean..you can't be serious."

"..I'm dead serious, Hen", Alex replied. "I'll show you the paper tomorrow, but for now, I have to get some sleep, you probably should too." Alex rolled over so that he wasn't facing Henry anymore.

Despite Alex's suggestion, Henry didn't get a wink of sleep that night. 

Alex and Henry (Red White and Royal Blue) One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now