{ Cherry Rose Blossoms Diary }

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Hello my name is Cherry Rose Blossom but,just call me Cherry. I just got this new diary and I'm so happy! This is my first diary entry so I don't really know what to write...oh! So me and my mom went to this new store ( where we got the diary ) and there were so meny stuffies, my favorite was this adorable bee that my mom also got me...my mom says i'll need it later, anyway,i named her Honey. That's all that really happened today but i'll write more tomorrow good night!


Today was an amazing day! My mom let me run around in the forest which she never lets me do. I climbed trees,jumped in puddles, and even saw a little frog! I'm starting school tomorrow and I can't wait! My mom has homeschooled me almost all my life and now I can finally make friends! That's all for today diary, good night.


I had to wake up early for school,but still I'm so happy! My teacher is so nice. His name is Mr.Arrow. Anyway i have some homework to do so i can't take long writing this so,good evening


I have been getting really tired lately...my mom says " you will get better" but i'm starting to not believe it. I'm guessing it's because of school but...none of the other kids are tired and it's getting hard to focus in class plus...i have not made any friends. I hope it will get better soon, have a good night


My mom thinks I'm lying but I'm not...I am just getting more tired and sick...i haven't eaten in a while because my body always rejects it later anyway...i still have Honey tho...everyone at school thinks i'm weird, i'm never going to be able to make friends.

Good night Diary


I'm so tired and sick...my body hurts...everything hurts. Mom says I'm overreacting...but I would not lie...i never lie. I hear whispers when i walk...there coming for me...i dont want this torture but mommy will not help. Good night Diary


Im going to nap,to tired Honey says hi


Everywhere I go I see shadows...they're scaring me...Mommy gives me candy that helps a little. Others are scared of me..but why? I didn't hurt them i wasn't mean...did..did i make them mad? I'll apologize tomorrow...maybe...maybe if I bring some of mommy's candy they will like me, i'll make sure to give some to Mr.Arrow so he is not left out. I'm so happy! Good night


What did I do wrong? Mr.Arrow yelled at me and called my mom. Now I'm expelled from school for a whole week! Now,everyone hates me! I thought they would like the candy, guess not. Mom is not happy, she says i'm crazy...but i didn't do anything wrong...at least i didn't think i did. Mom says she will take me to Dr.Smith tomorrow. I don't like Dr.Smith, he is always either too serious or too friendly...he also thinks i'm crazy. I don't want to go! I'm so sorry Mommy...Honey says sorry too. Good night diary


The candy's are making my head hurt. Mommy says it's going to get better when we see Dr.Smith later today...but I think she is lying...she does not like it when i lie...so why does she lie? Mommy scares me now...she is getting very angry...even if I'm not doing anything wrong! I want the pain to stop...i feel sick...im...starting to feel like i am going crazy,am i? I don't even know anymore, see you tomorrow Diary.


Now that I'm here...I'm like everyone...I'm a monster...am I? I just want to be a kid...I'm only 10 and I already feel dead. All I am is no understanding to NO ONE! I'm alone...I know I'll be alone...I can sense it. Dad left me...brother and sister left me...Grandma and Grandpa left me...and Mom HATES me...I just want a hug...I just want peace! It's just the beginning of this new adventure...more like new end. I got some new clothes...I'm like a prisoner in the movies...but I dident do anything! I...just want to punch myself...I want to feel something...anything...anything! There going to take you away diary because they think "I'm hiding my emotions from the real world"...but how can a share my emotions again after when I did you shoved  more candies down my throat! There probelly going to read you Diary so if they do...I hope they burn...I have never had hate before...not even a dislike to someone...even my dad I dident hate after his words still ring in my ears forever " your a mistake...I wish I never had you"...and yet I still don't hate him. I don't hate my Mom who sent me here. I don't hate ANY member of my family...I HATE YOU you caused it all...you...hate...me...and I DESPISE YOU...I hope you burn...I'm not afraid of you monsters...you can't hurt me...I have nothing left to lose.


They think I'm crazy...like I suspected. Dr.Smith is afraid of me...i went to so many doctors...i'm like a test subject..I tell them about the shadows but they never help...of course... They won't listen, they just shove more candies down my throat...there are so many candies...so many different shapes and colors. I have 30 different candies I take everyday now...the white empty rooms will forever haunt me...they poked me with needles and tied me up because I kept screaming for mommy...hoping even a little bit that she will come and save me from this hell hole...BUT SHE DIDENT. I haven't seen her for a week. She just left me here...I hate her, she never listened to me!..no one does! I most likely won't go back to school ever again...because they think I'm mad...but I'm not mad...i just want help but no one helps! I'm stuck in these white walls with a bunch of other children that their parents left here...but they're crazy...they tried to kill someone...but me? They're just afraid. They took everything from me. That's why I haven't written about my time here Diary...they took you away...but i dont think ill see Honey again...good night Diary.


I haven't seen Mommy in a long long time...she hates me too...even tho the doctors tell me to take my medicine...i don't want to it hurts me more then the Shadows do...i'm starting to get scared but they don't care...it was my birthday two months ago and they didn't even say happy birthday to me...i'm all empty and so angry. But I found a way to stop taking my medicine. The Doctors give me the pills at night so I simply wait for them to leave and toss the pills down the toilet...I want to be free because I'm going to be scared either way. I'm going to school in two days, finally time to see my "friends" again. Good night Diary.


The monsters just get closer, I woke up with bite marks and scratches all over my body...they're not mine. The doctors think I'm getting worse and I'm self-harming, so they're giving me more pills...lucky that's not a problem. The shadows hurt me but of course no one listens. So...I'm...done...I....hate..everyone. Tomorrow is the day.


murderer?Psycho?Mad?Crazy?Weird?Freak? I'm all of them, from sweet to mad. I went to school...humans? Nowhere in sight...only shadows...they followed me and tortured me for years... made Mommy leave...made the Doctors scared...made my classmates scared...made Dad leave...made sister and brother leave...made Grandpa and Grandma leave...made...me...CRAZY! I was strong...these Doctors are not smart..not...at..all. As soon as they couldent understand they trapped me because of their flawed mind. Last night I used my teeth to carve my toothbrush into a blade...and that day I went to school I knew the Shadows would follow me and now I can take my revenge...and when they're dead they won't think I'm mad...they will think I'm normal. The first one I saw was my first target...I launched myself at it and stabbed it in the eye twisting the blade in as far as it could go. it screamed with horror...it felt so good to get my revenge...but.the teachers ran to pry me off the shadow...they finally saw it? But no...it was much worse. The Shadow beast turned into a weak...child? What have i done...they were right...i'm insane...yet still...i feel sane. As the teachers pulled me away I stared at the kid in shock as the kid had her hand to her eye, screaming. I was pulled back to the hospital and knew that I would never be free again...after what I did . Never i'm sick in the head but i didn't lie...i didn't fake anything...i saw the shadows and i was labeled crazy...and was destined to be a outcast...it's not my fault i was made mad...not even my mom's or dad's...so...this is it...i mad child..with know one...i'm going to burn this place down. Bye Diary we had good times...but i can't destroy you too because of me...so goodbye

-Cherry Rose Blossom

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