Chapter 8- Unexpected Homecoming

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"Principal Ahn really doesn't want us sneaking out, does he?" Yujin says after peeking out the door. Right before curfew, an announcement was played over the loudspeakers talking about how security would be doubled due to the breach the night before. It was almost dawn, yet the guards were still patrolling the halls like hawks. Yena, Yuri, Yujin, and Wonyoung were simply stuck sitting around, waiting for an opening.

"How many are there?" Yena asks.

"There are a couple on each end of the hallway. I don't think we'll be able to get out that way without creating a mess." Yujin replies.

"Well, there's always plan B." Wonyoung proposes.

"What plan B?" Yuri asks confused. "I thought we were just gonna charm them?"

"We won't be able to charm one side without the other one catching us. Just trust me." Wonyoung says with a sly smile, looking at the windows.


"Woah, woah, Wonnie! Don't drop me too fast!" Yujin quietly yelps. Wonyoung's plan was a smart one on paper: levitating her friends down to the ground through the window. She just hadn't calculated the effort it would take to bring them all down one after the other.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be so heavy! Aren't you commercial stars supposed to have diets?" The younger girl quips. Yuri and Yena could only giggle at the two's quarrel from below since they were brought down first.

"I was an eye-wear model, not a fitness model! Don't get me wrong, I could've been if I wanted." The dog barks back. Wonyoung had the last laugh though as just as Yujin was about to step onto the ground, the youngest girl stopped levitating her, causing the puppy to land on her butt with a thud, much to the amusement of Yena and Yuri.

"Ow! You did that on purpose!" Yujin complains.

"Yah, be quiet, Yuj. The guards will hear." Yena chides playfully as Wonyoung gracefully jumps off from their room on the third floor and stops her momentum just before she hits the ground using her powers.

"Yeah, let's sneak off to meet the others already." The youngest says, stifling a laugh.


"What took you girls so long?" Eunbi asks when she sees Yena's group arrive. Eunbi, Hyewon, and Chaewon had arrived at the forest's edge earlier and were waiting.

"It's not as easy to sneak out when there's four of us in a group, not to mention when two of them are the noisiest girls I've met in my life." Yuri responds.

"Well, Seunggi-sunbae's transport should be arriving soon. We just have to sneak past the borders." The eldest says.

"Should be easy, I don't see any guards anywhere." Chaewon says as she walks towards the border wall that disguised the campus from outsiders. Though her clone had managed to do it without issue earlier, this time, an electric shock passes through her causing her to recoil in pain. In addition, a red alarm then began to sound from a nearby tree.

"Really, Chaewon? A little patience would've been nice." Eunbi sighs, facepalming. Normally, the campus' camouflage was enough, so Seunggi never had a reason to turn on the electric current. Principal Ahn, though, was really pulling off all the stops to make sure they didn't leave.

"The guards will be here any minute now. We have to break through fast." Hyewon advises.

"Leave it to me! Just cause a diversion!" Yena declares as she puts both hands the border and tries to absorb the electricity. Yujin and Hyewon work in tandem to form a frozen wall of water around them using the nearby stream to cover them. Meanwhile, Yuri would simply shout 'Go back to the dorms and stick to your patrols' whenever she heard the sound of a guard coming closer.

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