A strange night

34 4 6

As my stomach was growling I kept walking through the dark forest .
"It has be days since I saw a dragon "
He stopped walking as he heard something , there was something crying in the distance.. I started walking closer to where the noice came from ..It was anuther dragon tearing up , sitting on a huge rock on a cliff.. as I walked closer he heard me and stared at me.. I didn't know what to stay , as the dragon got up I set a step back.. the dragon yelled at me "WHY ARE YOU HERE!? " .. I wanted to try and say something till I heard my stomach growl again.. the crystal on my head started glowing.. I came closer to the dragon , slowly.  The dragon yelled me to leave ... I didn't care . He went a few steps back , opening his wings , trying to scare me. I charged at the dragon and bit his neck . The dragon yelled , flapping his wings and trying to screath me. 
I bet deeper , and didn't let go . The dragon started struggling , hoping to get a chance to escape , he scratched my neck , i let go and pushed him off the cliff . The dragon fell down on the ground , he didn't even had a chance to use his wings . I flew down and looked at the body of the dragon.. My head lowered as i started eating..I immediately stopped eating as I heard some ..there was someone watching....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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