Clue 1

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Hermione's POV

When I get to the Great Hall Dumbledoor pulls the champions outside to tell us the challenge clues. " Stay away from us, were quite vicious. Are voices are beatiful-ish. Stay disgised or at least hide, don't let this be your last round. We live underwater, be prepared it's tomorrow." Mermaids. Those last words shocked me. I NEED Harry and a little bit Ron. Help! Off to the library.

Draco's POV

Dumbledoor pulled Hermione and the other champions outside. I knew it had something to do with a clue. All I heard when I tried to listen is tomorrow. I HAVE TO SPEAK UP! Hermione didn't eat because like usual she needs some "light reading." I will talk to her later, not now though. But there is one thing that is crystal clear. She misses Harry and Ron. That may be a bit of a problem.

We will edit later😂

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