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Jisung's POV:

Today, im just walking around the street,not caring the presence of other people who walks nearby..A introvert guy who loves to be alone..I only have a few friends and that's it..

I walked to a park where there are less people..

I sat on the nearby bench as I put out my headphones and play some music..It's kinda relieving to be alone...

I was just chilling when a cat appears beside me and just sat there,staring at me with its cute little eyes..

"Hey,little buddy.. You're alone too?Same as me,huh?are you hungry?I think I have some biscuit or something.."I said I search some biscuit for the cat to eat..

When I found one, I take it out and put it down on the bench as the cat starts to eat it..

"There you go...I hope it's okay for you to eat.."I said.."Why do i feel alone when i have my other friends to be with?i can talk with them but i just decided to be alone.."

The cat just stared at like it was curious of my life..

"You can't understand because you're just a cat.."I said as i pat the head of the cat..

I looked at the time in my cellphone...I need to go home now... I stand up and i looked at the cat..

"I'll see you next time,buddy..I hope you're here.."I said before walking away..

While walking away, i feel like someone is following me when i left the park..

When i looked back, i saw the cat from the park walking towards me..

Why does it following me?

"Why are you following me,buddy?"I asked as the cat rubbed its body around my ankle.."Why~? do you want me to adopt you??"

He looked at me like he's agreeing..

"Shall i adopt you?"I asked as i carried the cat up on my arms..

The cat meowed as it looked at me..

I thought about it before I decided to adopt the cat..

"You dont have a owner since you dont have a collar on your neck,right??then, i should adopt you!"I said,smiling.."What should I name you?Are you a boy or a girl?"

When take a look it's genital, it's a boy...

Maybe i'll name him when I get home..

Time Skip:

I arrived home as I put the cat down and let him walk around as I removed my shoes before going in...

"This will be your new home, Buddy..I hope you'll adjust.."I said as I sat on the couch.."If you're a boy,what should i name you?hmmmm...let me think?"

I called him "Hongjo" but he won't look at me as I think of another name..

When I called him "Minho", he looked at me..I think he likes it..


"Minho-ahh~"I cooed..

Minho walked towards me as he sat on my lap as he purrs..

"Then, your name will be Minho and I can call you Lino too.."I said.

After a few minutes, my phone rang..

It's Jeongin calling me..


"Are you doing anything right now, hyung?"

"Nothing for now..I just got home from the park..Why you askin'?"

"Nothing,Hyung..I just want to check on you.."

"Well,stop checking on me,Innie...I'm perfectly fine.."

" Okay, hyung..Maybe next time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's meet with our friends next time if you're available.."

"I don't want to.."

"Come on,Hyung..Im sure you would come!"

"Then why bother if you know I would come?You know even I would say no, I would come!"

"That's why we love you,Hyung.."

I heard his giggle from the other line..

"I love you too!Now, I have to feed my cat!"

"You have a cat?! why did you never tell me,Hyung!"

"I just got him from the park!He followed me that I decided to adopted him!"

Minho was staring at me...

"him?it's a boy?"


"Can i come to your house soon?I want to see your cat!I'm sure that he's adorable!"

"Sure..You can come anytime..Just tell me beforehand.."

"Okay, hyung!See you soon!"


I hang up and put my phone on my pocket..

"Are you hungry,Minho?"I cooed as Minho perk his tail up."then I will take that as a yes..come on, I'll search some food that you can eat.."

I stand up and walked to the kitchen to find some food for Minho..

When I found one, I put it on a small platter and put it down for Minho to eat..

He smell it first before starting eating..

"You like it?"I asked..

He looked at me as he rubbed his body on my ankle..

"I think you like it... I'll try to buy some things for you tomorrow.."I said as I patted Minho's head...

As I do my own things,Minho always following me..

Hi,I'm back with a new story❤️ I hope you guys like it!

My Bestfriend is a cat // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now