Chapter 2.

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You grumbled as the sun so rudely forced you to wake up. However, your grumbles soon turned to giggles as you remember the time you and Kokichi forced all of the other students to look in every corner for you since you had seemingly disappeared.

What really happened was that you and Kokichi had a sleepover/cuddle session outside but to keep up with the evil image he had, he got up earlier, ran back inside, and threw a massive fit about you disappearing and possibly being dead- you remember him telling you how he had also vowed to get revenge on whoever your killer was.

Though, after you gained more information from the other students, you learned that he had quickly changed gears to how it probably was him that killed you. He also gave them 'evidence' of your possible demise by lockpicking in your room, shredding up one of your shirts, and presenting the shreds to the rest of the students saying that he found them instead of you in the morning.

He was apparently putting on a whole show too, clinging to Rantaro and bawling about how they had probably lost the one person keeping them together as a friend group, so now they would have to dissolve their friendship because of your death.

It was weird how almost none of the students bothered questioning why he was going into only your room and not theirs- and how Kokichi even managed to get the evidence.

Only Shuichi had noticed and questioned you about it, but thanks to the acting lessons you received from Kokichi, you managed to convince him that it was a best friend ritual the two of you had of going into each others rooms and that you two had a history of pulling pranks together, much to Rantaro's disappointment (only the latter part was true). Rantaro was very much the father of the group, attempting to keep you two out of trouble. You and Kokichi were planning to tell him about the secret relationship, but before you guys could, well...

Going back to the memory, you had underestimated how terrifyingly determined Gonta and Kirumi would be - they were leading the charge to find you, a super Saiyan energy surrounding them both.

Rantaro also would've been leading if he wasn't grabbing Kokichi in a football hold and was running around with his unconscious body since Tenko and Kaito had knocked him out after he (Kokichi) went on his rant about possibly killing you. Sure, Tenko didn't like you, but she hated the idea of you dying just enough to overcome that. You wished you could've seen that; the image of your unconscious gremlin boyfriend being lugged around by an avocado who was ready to chuck him always made you chuckle.

The reason why you were reminded of that was that it was so similar to how you were waking up now. You felt a weird sense of deja vu since you had a few minutes to yourself and were outside during the morning. It was exactly your perspective on that day (or so your mind thought) so you sat up with anticipation, just waiting for the shadows of Gonta and Kirumi to appear, grab you, and parade you like you were baby Simba. You giggled at the thought. Sure, at first, it was horrifying because of the energy, but after it died down, it was just funny.

You waited eagerly for a few minutes, probably looking like a fool, but you couldn't help it. You wanted to see them again, desperately. Alas, your hope-filled eyes turned dull with despair as you realized that you were on top of a shabby canvas sheet in the middle of nowhere. The urge to cry nearly overwhelmed you, and once more, you tried to stem your tears. But then your mind remembered Kokichi's words the one time he caught you crying in your closet after Kaede's execution. He had held you close, asking if you wanted to stay inside or go outside. You had opted to stay in. You didn't want to move and couldn't because of how hard you were crying.

"[Name]..." He whispered in your ear. You stopped crying out of surprise since he had always used your nickname- this was one of the few times he was serious, using your full name. Even though your eyes felt like they were burning and were terribly swollen, you did your best to pay close attention. Kokichi swallowed, he had no idea how to handle grief and emotions. He normally just lied to himself- but damn it, he would try to understand a little, just for your sake. He couldn't let you live the life that he led. Kokichi untied his scarf and used it to dot away your tears, distracting you while he came up with what to say. He sighed and settled on: "Whenever you cry, just know that I'll always be there, holding you close. And that's not a lie, it will never be one." You blinked, surprised at his sweet words- and buried yourself into his arms, crying once more, but this time it was out of pure relief. You deeply inhaled his sweet smell of Panta before loosening your grip on him. Everything about you was completely spent.

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