Finding out

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'Thud' Will had been training all morning. Going to retrieve the arrows, he thinks back to this morning when he found halt muttering to himself.

*wills memory*
'Odd' will thought. 'He's normally making breakfast by now or reading reports and drinking coffee.' "Good morning halt." He said trying to catch halts attention. Halt didn't look up. Instead he kept muttering under his breath. Will looked confusingly at halt, wondering what had his mentor so distracted.

Halt POV.
'No,no,no,NO!' This morning I had woken up earlier than normal. After failing to go back to sleep, I got up and made my way to the main room of the cabin. Then making myself a cup of coffee, I had time to come too with my thoughts. I had come to realize something that could get me and the cause of my frustration in a lot of trouble. I was in love with will, and not as a father figure as I had tried to convince myself before. I loved him as a lover. While I was collecting my thoughts time had gone by a lot faster than it felt. Will was awake and trying to get my attention. After a failed attempt to get my attention, he had walked away with confusion all over his face. He made himself some breakfast and coffee and sat down not far from me on the couch. 'Oh gods' I thought. "Are u alright halt?" will asked. "I'm fine" I said "got some Business to take care of with the Baron" I said getting up.

Wills POV.
"Got some business to take care of with the baron." He said. "Oh alright, would u like me to come with?" I asked. "No."he said a little rushed. "Stay here and do your chores." He told me as he grabbed his cloak and walked towards the door. "Oh, and after your done with those, I want u to practice with your bow and knives for a few hours." He finished walking out of the cabin with his ranger equipment. 'Ok?' I thought finishing my coffee to start on my chores.

End memory

Wills POV.
I had been practicing with my recurve bow and my knives for hours now and decided to be finished for now. On my way back to the cabin I over heard halt on his own way back from his visit with the baron. "How did it come to this Abelard." Confused and curious I hid from my mentor and listened, eager to find out what was wrong with my craft master. "It's wasn't like this before. What happened for me to feel this way." Halt continued. 'What is he talking about?' Will asked himself. "He probably wouldn't even accept me. Besides even IF he liked me back how would I tell him. More than that, how would it work. We would be kicked from the core with out another thought." 'Wait-LIKE! HALT LIKES SOMEONE!?' I was at a loss for words, but not wanting to give away my position I kept quiet and kept following listening to halt. "Ugh, what do I do. Will probably won't even like me back anyway.." will couldn't breath. Did he hear his mentor right. Halt loved HIM!? Will had hear enough so, ever so quietly, he snuck away and made his way to the cabin to get there before halt. Once he got there, he saw no sign of halt or Abelard's hooves. He immediately went inside and went to his room to think about what he had heard. His mentor loved him? How was he supposed to feel? Did he love him too. Will had never heard of a relationship with two males before. He thought it was just men with women. He thought about it and found he had nothing against it, in fact he actually wanted to try it. He never really had much of an interest in women. But he thought it was just him. But now... there might be something more. Then he heard tug call a greeting to Abelard and the slightly bigger horse call one back. Will came out of his room and started some lunch for him and his newly found secret love. Halt walked in not 7 mins after will had started lunch. "Welcome back halt." "Hm. Finnish your chores?" He said back, sitting down on one of the chairs at the table. "Yes." "How long did u practicing your skills for?" "4hours. Right after my chores like u asked." Halt found his apprentices answers where very short and formal. Unusual for his young and curious apprentice. "Are u alright will?" Halt asked. "Uh- yes ofc. Just a little tired from training. That's all." "Hm" was all that left halts mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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Halt O'carrick x will treatyWhere stories live. Discover now