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|Chapter One|

Even the splendid beau of such dark, vast night couldn't compare to the grand, spotless, marble castle. That would be the peerless Jeon Manor for the rest, while for the actual Jeons, but one of their many residences they couldn't bother staying at. Among the stories of the barely tall concrete erection, on the third or fourth floor, was the study hall customised only for the young master of the family. Though it ruined the somewhat symmetric beauty of the manor, taking almost the southern half of the building alone, no one could disagree that it was one spacious, magnificent study.

It used to be three bedrooms, one master and two following close, a closet and two attached restrooms before Jungkook had interior designers and professional architects renovating all that place into his own little paradise.

And as it would come with that huge amount of extravagant space, the decorations didn't lose out any speck. Ebony shelves featuring all those heavy and dark books, never ending, took all the north side of the hall, while the other side had that enormous glass wall that passerbys marveled all the time. They couldn't see through it, but somehow knew what awaits behind that tinted window was better not seen by their self deprecating souls and worthless green eyes.

And between them, Jungkook kept his extravagant study table surrounded by open space to breathe freely as he worked. He said, if his workplace was too stiff, it could hinder his productivity. Mr and Mrs Jeon had issues with his decision, though not sure with which part; that he kept such a large hall room almost empty or that even home was workplace for him. But it wasn't like they could interfere or anything.

They have never interfered in Jungkook, their only son's life, deeming it way immoral. Jungkook, from a young age, took decisions that lot would deem beyond their territory. Like what extra curricular activities he should join, which instruments he'd like to learn or even which major was better for him and many more. But who knows maybe this was exactly what birthed such promiscuous illusions in his parents' hearts that they have done something so kind, so benevolent, that it was now in their lawful rights to finally, for once, interfere when it came to choosing his life partner.

Jungkook's life was not their life, nor would they share the rest of his decades with that ‘perfect’ partner they want to nitpick for him.

But Jungkook was not in the situation anymore where he could retort these words with confidence, pride or righteousness, for he has slayed all his ways back with his own bloody hands. Strangling and killing his simple life and giving birth to a life that of vengeance, resentment and betrayal.

Now as he sat in the very familiar antisymmetric hall, spinning right and forth with his custom made easy chair, infront of the fragrant mahogany table top; everything was familiar but distorted. And that distorting parasite was implanted in his bones and flesh by his own hands, prior to his very own calculations. And that's what made it a whole lots more depressing.

He should have just forgiven and forgotten. In the name of avenging and venting his anger, he seemed to have plagued his own life with wanton disturbance.

Jungkook's hands that were aimlessly hanging by his lethargic silhouette, got back up and vigorously kneaded his sloppy face, his eyes insanely empty yet regretful.

He hadn't yet taken his wedding suit off, not like the black tuxedo could tell any different story than his everyday routine. Still, you could tell it was his wedding day, how, he wasn't sure. Might be because guys look kind of perplexed and idiotic in their wedding costumes. And Jungkook indeed looked like that right now. That was a given.

He sighed again, for his own foolishly yarning and such unprofessional attempts at hiding that in the guise of revenge. Even if he lied to the others, or maybe even himself for a certain period of time, it was a foreseen event that he'd one day wake up realising how it was nothing but him securing the person he likes by his side and in fear he might feel pathetic, giving it a tag such as revenge. Just, he didn't foresee it would be so soon. The very night of the marital institution.

He knew, in their now shared bedroom, breathes the person who betrayed him. He could just go and drag him out of the room and not let him in. He could make him stay outside till the morning next day thus humiliating him infront of the butlers and maids. Wasn't revenge the sole aim of this pseudo marriage anyway?

But he also knew that he wouldn't do that.

And that's where he realised his mistake. Mistake for even bothering with getting back and stuffs.

It was the first time that he has taken such a step in his life without prior calculations. And God, he was regretting each and every second of its summation.


The author has something to say:
This version is rewritten, yet full of mistakes. This book was deleted without prior notice, but I chose to not be devastated and weep. Rather get started with my dilapidated keyboard and lanky fingers. So I need you guys' votes and comments as the source of enough nutrition solution.
So, give me more nutrition solution. (✿^‿^)

✿ Arigato gozaimasu。*゚☆!!!

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