Actions in Life

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There are actions in life that could change the course it is going through, and you'd never know it until way later, when all you can do is thank or curse destiny for leading you in that direction. The fact that this was the first party that Lia agreed to attend with no blackmail or insisting of any kind had surprised everyone involved, and it made her think about these things.

It had gone a little like this:

"I'm making a party in my house," Lorelei, her best friend, had commented on the phone. "I managed to organize it for Thursday so that everyone could go."

"Okay," Lia had replied, her voice distant as she was using the speakerphone to type away on her computer and talk at the same time. "What time does it start?"

"You're seriously coming?"

Lia had laughed then. "Didn't you want me to come?"

Lorelei had quickly backtracked, rushing to give her all the relevant information for the party before Lia could change her mind, making her promise to keep her word and actually attend the party (Lia had reached a middle point, adding that if something urgent came up, she could - and would - totally ditch the party).

Lia had never found parties interesting. After attending a couple of them, it felt like she had attended them all. Loud music, drinks, food or snacks, the three mandatory social circles: friends, people you met recently, and complete strangers inviting you to socialize. And afterwards, the only people left were either newly made friends, drunk people and couples hidden in some places they definitely shouldn't be at.

She didn't know what had motivated her to accept this time, but Lia always kept to her word, and a party wouldn't be the end of the world. It'd be the same old trivial routine, and then Lia would be free to tell Lorelei she was heading out to rest the rest of the night at her own place.

Lia arrived at the party at around ten - Lore had said that the party began at nine, but her little experience at parties told her that no one ever arrived in time at parties. The noise of music and ongoing conversations happening at the same time assaulted her ears, and she tried to focus more on the former. Giving her wrist a little squeeze, Lia entered Lore's house, looking for her friend to make her presence known.

"I can't believe you really came!" was the first thing that Lore said as a greeting, hugging her briefly. "Everyone else was starting to think on what excuse you'd give to skip this one."

"I gave you my word, didn't I? It's been a while since we saw each other, anyways.

"Obligations will end us if we don't make the effort to meet more often," she warned her with a mocking serious tone. "I think the rest of the guys split up, but I think I saw Monique in the kitchen, in case you want to go say hi, or you can stay with me," she laughed. "I'm still receiving guests, but I know less and less people the more they arrive!"

Lia stepped back immediately. "Welcoming people is your area," she pointed to the general area of the kitchen. "I'll find Monique, and we can reunite later, sounds good?"

Lorelei agreed and Lia headed to the kitchen, taking glances at the guests spread throughout the living room, some familiar faces, but no one she really talked to. Monique was pouring herself a drink, and Lia was thankful she didn't have to keep looking for her for too long.

"Hi, Moni," she greeted. "How are you?"

Monique laughed at the least appropriate moment and almost choked with her drink. "Lia! You really came, wow. We were sure Lore was lying when she told us you were coming."

"Is it so weird, me attending a party?" she asked, incredulous.


"Oh... and why are we still here?" she questioned, noticing her full glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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