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May 7th Wayne-Kent Apartment 07:30
Jon and Damian were wrapped in each other's arms sleeping in when the ground started to shake. Damian shot up first and ran to the window the rift in the sky was back, which meant one of two things, either there was a new machine or they didn't close it permanently. Jon who had remained in bed finally began to stir when he didn't feel Damian beside him.

"Dami come back to bed" Jon said sleepily

"That's not an option" Damian said

"What, why not" Jon moaned

"Look outside" Damian sighed

"Oh that's not good" Jon exclaimed

"Now grab a quick bite, because you're cranky when your hungry and suit up" Damian stated

"How do you manage to be mean in the morning" Jon asked

"Kent!" Damian replied

"I'm going" Jon said getting out of bed slowly

The two got ready and left, but by the time they arrived fighting had already gotten under way between the villains and heroes and Damian jumped out of Jon's arms and directly into the middle of it.

"Nice of you to join us" Helena exclaimed

"I needed to get Superboy fed, you know how he is without food" Damian smirked kicking an assassin in the face

"Can you not taking about me as if I am not here, also do you want to tell them or can I?" Jon asked weaving through the air avoiding Lexbots

"Tell us what" Lara asked crashing to the ground

"You can if you want" Damian replied dodging swinging blades

"We decided we're going to get married next year" Jon stated

"What?!" Bruce, Dick and Clark exclaimed in unison

"This is not the time or the place to discuss that" Bruce said

"This fight is boring, I need some form of stimulation and a conversation full-fills that" Damian replied

"Listen to your father Damian, it will be the last chance you have" Talia said

"And why is that" Damian asked turning to face her

"Because I am making sure you come home" Talia replied

"Ha!" Damian scoffed

"Not now my son, you will never have come to live with your father" Talia stated

"You can't time travel" Bruce exclaimed

"Damian, explain to your father what that is" Tali said pointing to the tear in the sky

"It's not a tear in the universe, it's tear in time" Damian realised

"You don't have a way to travel through that though" Clark interrupted

"But I do" Talia smirked

At that moment everything began to go wrong, Damian felt a stabbing in his side and turned to see Slade standing there. Bane started a fight with Bruce and lifted him in the air slamming him onto his knee and dropping him to the ground, Clark and Metallo began fighting but Damian was trying to crawl towards Jon.

"No, not yet" Talia said standing on Damian's wound

"Beloved" Damian whispered

Jon heard and turned his head and saw Talia standing over Damian, he flew towards both of them but he didn't see the kryptonite dagger which Talia used to slice from his chest to his side and he fell from the sky.

"Now you can die together, THAWNE" Talia called

"Yes" Eobard replied

"Ready?" Talia asked

"Always" Eobard smirked evilly

"I wish you all the best in your new lives" Talia said as Eobard grabbed her and they ran into the rift

"Cassie let's go" Helena exclaimed

Cassie flew and grabbed Helena and they flew into the rift after the assassin and speedster. Lara went to fly after them but just before she got to the rifts opening it shut. Damian was on the ground with Jon laying metres ahead of him. He crawled towards him and lay almost on top of him.

"Beloved, your bleeding out" Damian said

"How do I stop it" Jon asked grunting

"There was a toxin on the blade I presume it's stopping your blood from coagulating" Damian started

"So I am screwed" Jon laughed

"No, no I won't let that happen" Damian groaned shifting from pain

"Dami, my vision is going blurry" Jon cried

"Someone help!" Damian called

Clark and Lara rushed over to the two boys followed by Barry.

"Jon!" Clark exclaimed

"Damian are you okay?" Lara asked

"I've felt worse, help him or life won't be worth living" Damian spat

"Okay calm down son, Barry help Diana with Bruce and tell the others to start clean up" Clark ordered

"Cauterise the wound now!" Damian ordered

"Is there any kryptonite still in there, if we do it with any in there he will die from poisoning" Lara said

"You have the x-ray vision not me" Damian spat

"Lara get him to the Watchtower I'll take care of Jon" Clark said

{~Back in Time~}

Talia and Thawne arrived in Nanda Parbat just before Talia set out to have Damian. Talia couldn't let Thawne do the talking so she stepped out and left him to make sure they weren't followed.

"Who goes there" Talia asked

"It is you from the future" Talia responded smugly

"How far in the future" Talia asked

"So let's see in and around twenty one years from the future" Talia replied

"Why come back" Talia questioned gripping her sword

"To fix a mistake, don't send our son to live with his father under any circumstances, and I'd consider having another" Talia said

"It's not wise to mess with time" Talia stated

"It is now, Damian can not go live with his father it will be our family downfall. Head my warning" Talia exclaimed

Talia and Thawne then began to feel funny, the Talia of the past watched as her future self disappeared into a glowing white abyss before everything returned to normal. Well not everything time was changing, nothing was as it seemed and only two people were safe from the affects of the change, but both will be launched from the tear in time back to their own time, without memory of the past until they unlock it.

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