Chapter 1

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Emily is a journalist working for a small publishing company. She's a graduate student. And landed this job, straight out of California State University. She took her education very seriously.

Dating was no option. Sex was out. Her parents were both graduates. Because they saw others experience some things in college, there was a great concern for Emily. They chose to keep her home and out of the dorms.

Emily was a very obedient child growing up. Her parents were extremely proud. They imagined a great future for their daughter. Emily's plan was to meet the right man, get married, and have children. But not until she was financially stabilized.

Being the only child, her parents had. Being raised in an upper-class neighborhood. Emily was under the scope. Her friends had to be approved by her parents. She was raised to dress accordingly. Her grades were to never fall below a B average.

She was encouraged to participate in school by her parents. Emily loved a challenge, so she participated in sports. While being on the cheerleader team, Emily met a boy, named Paul. Paul was the star quarterback for the high school football team. The two became good friends over the years.

Paul's family too had encouraged him to be on the football team. They both had goals to reach, set by their parents. The only difference is, Paul came from a poor family. Because he was poor, Emily had to keep their friendship a secret from her parents. The two of them would go to the football field and sit under the stands for lunch, just to be together. They couldn't take a chance of her parents, hearing of their friendship.

None of the friends she did have, knew because they had different lunchtime. Emily being brought up in a different time of life was not a judgemental person. She despised this of her parents.

Paul and Emily graduated High School Together. Weeks later She left for college. Paul joined the Army. 

As the years went by, Emily and Paul stayed in touch by letters. they never saw one another. Months went by and paul noticed the letters from Emily had stopped. This was unacceptable to Paul. Knowing the company she worked for because that's where he was writing her. He made a call out of concern.

Paul was told then, about her accident. He desperately wanted to go and see her, but he had been deported. It would be months before he returned. He relied on her co-workers to keep him updated on her condition.

The night Emily was hit, was during a terrible storm. She had been working on a story she had to release before the following morning. 

her parents had tried to get in touch with her, to warn her of the condition of the weather in the city. There had been Tornadoes spotted in the area. Because telephone lines were down, they were unable to. They left messages on her phone.

Emily didn't get either. She headed to her car in the garage. As she approached the bottom ramp she notice how bad the weather was. Emily is so frightened, she just wanted to get home. She drove the car out on the streets. she notice one car was being lifted slightly off the ground.

Emily knew then, that trying to make it home was not possible. As she attempts to turn around and go back into her place of employment. Her car too was being lifted. Her car was lifted and carried some ways before it was dropped. Unfortunately, her car was dropped inside of another building, that had the roof torn off.

When Emily didn't come home after some hours had passed. Her parents were worried. They knew they couldn't get thru to call anyone, because the lines were down, over the entire City.

As the morning comes, Emily's Parents Monica and Nokia are devastated and hopes Emily is fine.

As they walk outside of their home. They can't believe what they're seeing. The entire neighborhood had survived the tornadoes, but debris was everywhere. As they headed to their car, they saw a family that had recently given news of their son being caught in the storm and did not survive. Although they were very sad for that family, their thought of losing Emily had become more of a reality.

Someone down the street shouted the phones are working now. Hearing this, they both pulled out their phones. Hoping to contact Emily. Emily's phone was ringing and then went to voice mail. They decided to return to their home and turn on the television to get more information on how bad the storm impacted the city.

As they held one another why watched the new casts. A helicopter newscast was filming from above. That's when they saw a car that looked exactly like Emily's car, on the top of a building. They then realized it was also near Emily's job.

They looked at each other with such fear in their eyes. We have to go, said Monica, my baby needs me. Hold on said Nokia, we don't know if it's her. Let's call the authorities and let them know, we think our daughter is in that car.

When speaking to the authorities, they explained that the city is in turmoil. they are trying to get to everyone that needs their help. Then instructed everyone to stay in their homes.

Emily was found and her parents were contacted. It was the beginning of her parent's nightmares.

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