Chapter 1: The Start of a New Life

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  Paul Winkle was an ordinary man. Nothing special about him, but nothing unspecial, either. That is, until his life turned around. He stepped outside of his background character box and said, and I quote, "DON'T CLIMB BIG BEN IT'S A NATIONAL TREASURE". Since than his life had turned around. He grew his hair & colored it pink, so as to stand out from the crowd. He was a background character no more.

  "Never will I let myself be a background character again!" He said while he was giving a speech at a speech giving place. "I say all us so called 'background characters' unite! We mustn't let the main characters of this world misinterpret us! We're sort of people with sort of interesting lives! Let us seek revenge on the interesting people; let us seek revenge on the main character's!

  Ever since that speech, Paul Winkle had become a bigshot politician with the background characters. His life was at peace, until one day. A somewhat blonde haired boy with a somewhat british accent had found him at a coffee shop. "Are you by any chance Paul Winkle?" The blonde-ish kid asked. "Why, yes, I am. And to who do I owe this pleasure?" "My name is Kusuke."

  The Treacherous Tales of a Treacherous Man: The Paul Winkle Saga Where stories live. Discover now