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bold: guards / woman on PA
underlined: other players
italics: you
i hope you guys enjoy <3 make sure to eat and drink today, you deserve it. i love you guys.

classical music.

that's what clicks in your brain first: loud classical music. "wait, where am i?" you begin to think. but then you remember your previous actions. you signed up for this. as you glance around the room, you see hundreds of people all dressed identically. everyone has on a teal jumpsuit with a number. you look down and see the number 333. "at least i have an angel number" you mumble. as you step out of the bunk, the first thing you see is an old man and a middle aged one talking. the old man's number is 001 and the middle aged man's is 456. their conversation peeks your interest, but not as much as the situation in the middle of the room. you hear a loud "ooh!" and you elbow your way to the front of the circle. you see a girl on the ground-067 and a man who looked like trouble towering over her-101. 101 continued to hit her and yell at her. all of a sudden, 456 appears in the middle of the circle and grabs 067. he looks at her neck and then shakes her. "it's you! you're the damn pickpocket! my money, where is it? give it back!" he screams. 101 asks what the hell he's doing and who he is, and introduces himself as seong gi-hun. 101 and gi-hun duke it out for a minute before the doors open. walking through the door are masked people. there are multiple guards with circles on their masks. there's one square. they're wearing hot pink jumpsuits and gloves. you see the square guard immediately. weirdly, your heart skips a beat. "oh my god, what is wrong with me? i can't even see his face!" you think to yourself. the square begins to speak.
"we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all. over the next six days, you will be participating in six different games. the winner of all six games will win a handsome cash prize." the square says. "yo, speaking of handsome-oh my god, i have got to stop." you think.
you zone out for a bit while looking at the square. "it looks like he's looking towards me.." you think. "don't flatter yourself y/n, he could be looking at anything." now you feel dumb. you mentally re-enter the present and hear gi-hun speak up. "just how much money do we get if we win?" he asks. the square does not say anything, but he clicks a button on a remote and a huge clear piggy bank descends from the ceiling. "your prize money will be accumulated in here. we will disclose the amount after the first game." he answers. "his voice is hot..." again you mentally kick yourself for this. you can't help but be curious and wonder if the guard is still looking at you. you slyly turn your head and to your surprise, he still is. "is he actually looking at me?" you think. to test, you tiptoe to the opposite side of the group and look again. "no. way." you say under your breath. his gaze has shifted, and his square mask is now faced in the opposite direction (slightly). "if anyone does not wish to play the game, please let us know." the room is dead silent. "it is now time to sign the consent forms. please form orderly lines in front of the workers you see and sign the form." the square says.

it's your turn to sign the form. just as you're about to step forward, something (or should i say someone) appears next to the worker. it's the square guy. you scoff and say "do you need something?" he just stands there watching you. your eyes dart from the square to the circle. "whatever" you mutter as you look down and read the form.

Clause 1: A player may not stop playing.

Clause 2: A player who refuses to participate will be eliminated.

Clause 3: A game may be terminated if the majority agrees.

Signature: ______________

you hesitate for a moment but sign your name. you haven't got anything to lose. as you hand the paper to the circle guard and walk away. as you're leaving, you hear someone walk away too. you spin around to see who it was, and the square guard is gone. why did he come to watch you sign your form?

you sit down and zone for a second. you're beyond stressed and scared. "what did i sign myself up for?" you wonder. you're so detached from the world that you don't notice that it's time to move to the first game. that is, until gi-hun waves his hand in front of your face. "hello? 333, it's time to go!" he tells you. "oh! thanks, i..uh..got zoned out for a minute." you say. he can clearly see the stress in your eyes, because he pulls you in for a hug. as you're hugging him, you spot the square guard again, looking in your direction. you see his relaxed gloved hands clench into fists. for some reason, that sends butterflies into your stomach. "what was that for?" you wonder. gi-hun says "i'm sure you'll do great." as he pulls away from the hug. you thank him and make your way to the door to leave, square's glare still piercing the back of your head.

~time skip lols~

you enter the playing area and are bewildered at what you see. it looks like the place your grandma lived. there was tall grass which you could tell was fake. hidden amongst the grass were small huts. there was a fake sky. and then you saw it. a huge, robot doll and two circles standing next to it. you think to yourself "oh y/n, what have you gotten yourself into?"

hehe as i mentioned before this is my first story! let me know on ways i can improve! hope you enjoyed ily<3

player 333; square guard x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now