Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

I woke up to the smell of pancakes being cooked. My favorite smell. I looked over to my left and saw my lovely boyfriend sound asleep.

How lucky was I. To have an amazing boyfriend.

It's been a while, let me catch you up on my life.

I'm a senior in high school living the dream in LA. It's been a few years since I last saw my parents and it's been good. My brothers are getting famous and well i could say my life is perfect right now.

"Jack come on, you have that meeting today." I said kissing his cheek, then slowly making my way to his mouth.

He woke up slowly and a smile formed on his lips. I bit my lip and smiled.

"Just a few more minutes?" He asked as he pulled me closer kissing me. I kissed back for a second but then got up because I was not going to be the reason he was late for his meeting.

"Babeee" he whined but I ignored him and went down stairs looking for pancakes.

"Cam, toss me a pancake?" I asked grabbing a plate. As I turned around a pancake was whipped onto my face and falling on the floor. I glared at cam and he laughed. But I picked up the pancake and ate it anyways. Once you have lived with just boys for a while. You gotta fend for your self.

I quickly ate the pancake and got dressed. As I was putting on makeup jack came out of the shower and smirked to me.

"Have fun on your first day of senior year." He said will picking out something to wear.

I smiled at him as I finished putting make up on.

"We are gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" Hayes yelled from downstairs.

I kissed jack quickly, grabbed my bag and ran to the car where I met hayes who was waiting impatiently.

"Priorities" I said and shrugged. He pretended to vomit and pulled out of the driveway.

I plugged my phone into the AUX cord and blared my music. Hayes laughed but sang along. As we pulled into the school parking lot I received a good luck text from jack. I smiled.

Man, a lot has changed since a few years ago.

One big thing would be no matt in my life.

I really do miss that kid but shit happens.

Being a Grier 3 (Nash Grier )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora