letting it go

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They where always special to even the first day you met.

Friends to close friends,never had an argument.

They're a happy place, like an happy pill,even bad days wouldn't change that.

But your brain took over or as those stupid romantic books would say, your heart took over.Couldn't stop from making up things how pathetic.

You didn't have nothing though, flirted as jokes,and physical touch.

Holding hands, linking harms when sitting somewhere.

You could say it was nice and you are right it was,but it slowly started to hurt,it would go up and down a little like a Roller coaster one day it hurts and the other one it's fine,while it's happening it's fine but when you're closing your eyes to sleep it stings.

That shit at the back of your brain telling you that they don't enjoy it,that they are annoyed... it's taking over now.

You don't know if it's just you but now that you have stopped holding their hands, linking arms, they're more cuddly,they put their head on your shoulder, they take your arm and shake it slightly when they talk about something exciting or they play with your hands...

You don't know what to do or feel anymore, you love them so bad,but everything is so confusing.One day it's giving up and the other is realising you love them too much for that.

it always hurts but what can you do about it, pulling yourself together is not even an option.Its like you slowly melt thinking about them, seeing them, talking to them.

you really wish it wasn't them there,you wished you could forget sometimes,but they always pull you back together.You can never be upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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