Smack That Woman.

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It's the day of Natasha's funeral and Katherine is getting Natalie ready.

"Mommy, do you think that Natasha would like the dance I'm doing?" Natalie ask, because she's dancing at the funeral.

"I think she would love it. She's an angel now, and that's what the lyrics say right? You are the sky,the moon, in night. Your sister would be so proud of you."

"You girls ready?" Brad ask.

"Yea. Natalie, go downstairs and eat the snack I put out for you." Katherine say and Natalie runs downstairs. "Brad, can we talk?"

"Sure." Brad says.

"I was going through Natasha's clothes to figure out what she would wear for her burial when I found these letters." Katherine says and pulls 5 letters from her purse. "I wondered what they were for and I assumed they were suicide letters. I started to own mine but then I saw a sticky note at the bottom of her drawer and it said to wait until after the funeral.

"Ok. We should respect what she wants..."

"Wanted." Katherine corrects.


The ceremony starts and Natalie begins her dance entitled, Angel. (Dance above)After her dance ends, she goes and kisses her hand and places it on the coffin. She then goes and changed and returns to the ceremony.


The funeral ends and by time Brad, Katherine, and Natalie get home, Natalie is half asleep. Katherine takes her upstairs and puts her on some pajamas. Katherine goes to her room to see Brad changing. She can't help but stare. He notices and she quickly looks away. She grabs the letters. She gives Brad his.

"There's one that has future baby, on it. I'm guessing it's for the child in my stomach."

"Probably. Are we going to read ours aloud?"

"I'm not but you can."

"Ok, here I go."

Dear Brad,

I blame you. Mom should blame you. Natalie should blame you. Your future child should blame you.

I could have lived with you cheating on mom, but it's what your mistress did that drove me over the edge. She called me. I don't know how she got my number, maybe at dinner when I said it, but I don't know. She said that she was going to win you over and that you would leave mom, Natalie, and I. I couldn't live to see if it happened.

Even though I blame you, I forgive you. I love you.


"That B*TCH!!!" Katherine yells loud enough for Natalie to hear.

"What? Renee would never do that?" Brad says.

"This is all your fault. My daughter is dead because of you." Katherine says through tears. Natalie is right at the edge of their door and is hearing everything they are saying.

"Our daughter."

"MY daughter is f#$&ing dead because of you." Katherine yells. "You made her kill herself."

"Daddy's the reason Natasha is dead? She killed herself?" Natalie says tearing up.

"Sweetie just go back to bed." Katherine says.

"NO!!! DADDY YOURE THE REASON NATASHAS DEAD. I DONT HAVE A SISTER BECAUSE OF YOU. JUST LEAVE DADDY, just leave." Natalie yells and starts crying. Katherine picks her daughter up.

"Brad, maybe you should just leave." Katherine says. Brad nods and leaves but not without tears out of his eyes. He feels so hurt that Natalie hates him now.


Katherine tries to sleep, but she can't. Natalie is asleep in her room asleep, but Katherine has an urge to do something. She ask her friend that lives next door if she can't watch Natalie and Katherine goes to someone's house. She knocks on the door and Renee opens the door. Katherine draws her hand back and slaps Renee as hard as she can.

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