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It was a very rainy day so recces had to be cancelled

Everyone in the class including Utahime felt sad but she quickly pulled a coloring book out of her bag and grabbed the crayons from the bottom shelf out of one of the cubbies

"Gojo do you wan't to color with me?"Utahime asked "Sure" Gojo replied He didn't have anything other too do his plans on finding a cricket again failed because of the 'stupid' rain so why wouldn't he spend time with his favorite friend.

They sat by the table next to window watching the rain fall onto the windows there teacher Mr.Kento was no where to be found he always left in times like this it made Utahime wonder why maybe he and principle Mei Mei are family utahime asked herself but they always looked at each other like her mother looked at her father.

Utahime's thoughts slowly faded when she heard one of her friends say "Can we joint" Suguru said the person next to him was "

Ok but don't hog the crayons" Satoru replied Shoko and Geto both took a seat grabbing a piece of paper to draw on.

"Do you guys wan't to have a sleepover at my house?" Suguru asked he hated staying there he was an only child and his neighbors were mostly old couples or a married couple with teenagers no one in his age bracket.

"I can ask my mommy and my daddy if I can go" Utahime replied "I'll ask my dad" shoko replied " Ok" Gojo knew his mother would never say no she liked Suguru because he always made sure Satoru didn't do stupid things like climb a tree, eat glue or try to eat eleven gummy bears in his mouth in one minute.

"Great this is going to be so much fun!" Suguru said holding up his drawing which was a attempt at a tiger.


Gojo was the first person to arrive at Geto's after a few minutes Shoko and Utahime arrived.

Gojo Satoru has only been invited to a sleepover once or twice but this was indeed the worst one ever, they weren't playing games Shoko and Utahime played with some ragdolls an Geto did nothing but watch tv and eat popcorn.

"We should play Charlie Charlie" Gojo suggested "Why do we have to play charlie charlie I'm having fun playing with my dolls?" Utahime said she really never liked charlie charlie she watched her cousins played it and they all told her how scary it was.

"Yeah I like watching tv plus that game is really scary" Geto said " Yeah Suguru has a point" Shoko replied

"Come on guys I expected Utahime to be scared but you guys I can't believe it" Gojo said he loved getting under Utahime's skin and making her mad it became a way for him to contain him from telling her that he really liked her Suguru should learn from him everyone knows he crush on Shoko.

"I am not scared I'll play the stupid game!" Utahime said

Geto got up to collect a piece of paper and two pencils wring 'yes or no' on different angles of the paper.

"So who's going first me suguru shoko or utahime?" Gojo said.

"Rock paper scissors shoot"? Shoko suggested they all agreed

Rock Paper Scissors Shoot

Utahime picks paper,Shoko picks scissors, Geto scissors, Gojo picks rock.

"Looks like its down to us" Gojo says

Rock Paper Scissors Shoot

Gojo wins

"Charlie Charlie are you real?" Gojo says the pencil is pointing to yes

"W-who's turn is it?" Utahime replys she just wanted to finish playing with her ragdolls.

"I'll go Charlie Charlie are you here right now?" Suguru says " Suguru of course hes here right know dummy" Satoru said

" Don't call Suguru A dummy you got a C in math" Shoko replied "Hmph, well I'll go next Charlie Charlie does Suguru like Shoko" Gojo said moving the pencil towards the side that said yes.

"Satoru thats mean!" Utahime said she knew that Suguru like shoko but she promised him that she would never tell Shoko or anyone.

"I don't like shoko maybe you should tell Utahime that you have a crush on her!" Suguru said Goo and Geto were just screaming at each other Utahime looked like she saw medusa Shoko trying to stop Geto and Gojo from fighting and suggesting they go to sleep suddenly Gojo had an idea.

"You know what I'm going to the bathroom"he said getting up and walking out of the room trying to find anything that he can cover himself with he finally finds what looks like a white blanket Suguru's parents were asleep and came to check up on them before and placed the sleeping bags on the floor so he had to be quiet.

he starts to flick the lights

"Why are the lights cutting on and off like that Suguru?" Shoko said Utahime had finally calmed down from what she heard " I don't know but it could be Satoru I'll check"

Before Geto got a chance to open the door a white figure popped out and all you could hear were screams of little children.

"It is I the great scary Charlie Charlie Geto Suguru you must face your death" Gojo said

" Don't take me I didn't do anything!" Utahime said she wanted to run out of the run and notify Suguru's parents that Charlie Charlie came to life but they would probably get mad at them for playing the game .

"What is going on here?!" A woman with black hair and a white nightgown said

"It was him he started it" Shoko said hiding the paper and pencil Utahime points to Gojo.

"Yeah Mama he started it" Suguru said

"Snitch"Gojo said lifting up the blanket

"Bed all of you" Suguru's mother says

The lights turn off and the three kids sleep in their sleeping bag and Geto sleeps in his bed.

"Guys...I think I peed my pants" Suguru said

"Ewww are you a baby or something Gojo says"

"Shut up Gojo" Shoko replies

"Can we just all go to sleep!" Utahime says this will indeed be the last time she ever goes to a sleepover with Gojo Satoru


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