A friend in need

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Mike's P.O.V

It's 12:15 AM. Me and the puppet have been looking for Drake for three hours hours, we asked people on the street if they've seen him and we even got help from the police with the search, but no luck. I'm exhausted, then the pizzaria comes into view and I realise that it's the only place we didn't check.

"Drake has to be in there." I say to the puppet reaching the front doors to Freddy's.

I hope you're right

"I know I am. This is the only place we haven't checked yet, and he's always making up a scheme to come here every second or third night. He has to be in here, he just has to." I explain.

You really care about him, don't you?

"He's my best friend, of coarse I care about him. Plus, the way he ran off after the incident, the look on his face..." I say trailing off. The images of Drake's face running out of the class start popping up in my head. I snap out of my daze and regain focus.

"I'm not going back until I find him." I say firmly. But as I reach for the door, the puppet stops me.

Wait, there might be a night guard on duty, we'll be caught on camera if we go in through the front

"Damnit, you're right. But then, how are we gonna get in?" I ask.

The back door!

"There's a back door?" I ask stupidly.

Of coarse there is, and if I'm correct, then they always leave it unlocked

"Why would they leave the back door of a haunted pizzaria unlocked?" I ask.

It was treated as an emergency exit when I was alive. Since the animatronics are possessed, it gives the night guards a chance to escape if things get a bit too...deadly

"Ah, I see. But, are there cameras there?" I ask.


"Perfect!" I say. We then go to the back door, and as the puppet said, it's unlocked. The two of us enter the pizzaria and sneak through the main dining hall and down to the parts and service at the back of the pizzaria.

"Okay, this is where Drake found Spring, so I'm guessing this is where he is." I say going inside. I hear a bit of movement from the other side of the wall and notice a door on the wall. Hesitant, I open it. The room is pitch black so I reach for my flashlight in my bag. I turn it on and stare in disgust. There's dried blood splattered all over the wall and floor.

Huh, so this is where it happened? Funny, this room is a lot smaller that I remember

"Where what happened?" I ask.

The death of the one who took our lives from us

"Somebody DIED in here!?" I whisper shout.

Yeah, I'll tell you all the details later

"Okay, I guess. Hey Drake, you in here?" I call out. Nothing at first. Then I see a figure come out from a corner of the room, and by the sound of its voice, I know exactly who it was.

"Mike?" He says. I then shine a torch on the figure before running up to hug my best friend.

"You scared me so much! I thought you jumped off a cliff or something!" I say, tears starting to form in my eyes. But he pushes me away.

"Please, don't touch me." Drake says quietly but loud enough for me to hear.

"What? Why? What did I do?" I ask.

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