chapter two: the call

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Thank you for reading chapter one<3
If you have forgotten context or are confused the answers to your questions are at the top of chapter one with some lengthy notes about the fic.
But that's all really I hope you enjoy chapter two:))

Jespers POV

Jesper sat there frozen for a few more seconds until he snapped back into reality. With his heart going what felt like a million miles an hour, he picked up the phone.

"Wylan?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady. But despite trying not to, he couldn't help all of his millions of questions from flowing out of his mouth. "Wy are you ok? Where are you? Do you need picking up from somewhere? Why didn't you answer your phone? Why were all the lights of in the apartment?"

After a solid minute of constant questions Jesper had the realisation that Wylan hadn't said a single thing yet. Not even a "hello" or "I'm ok". Jesper slowed his speech and apologised for the bombardment.

"Sorry Wy didn't mean to ask so many questions I'm just worried. You haven't even said anything yet, are you alright?"

Jesper waiting for a response but nothing was coming through the receiver. He felt his nerves creeping up more and more and the unsettling feeling in his stomach was growing with every passing second.

"Wylan what's going on? Where are you I'll come and get you?"

He felt like he was just repeating himself for no reason and he wanted to scream. He kept doing that until eventually Jesper checked the call time. Five minutes. They'd been on call for five whole minutes and Wylan hadn't said a word.

Jesper was about to speak pointlessly again when he heard a knock on the door. It was a quiet knock and Jesper kept the phone to his ear as he cautiously wandered over and opened it, his heart full of hope that this stupid call could be over and Wylan would be stood there. He wouldn't of cared about the strangeness of the situation, he would've just embraced Wylan and be extremely relieved he was ok.

However, it was not Wylan standing in front of him but a smiley Nina and a tired looking Matthias. Nina didn't wait for Jesper to say anything, just saw the look on his face and invited herself in, taking Matthias with her as their arms were interlocked.

"We came over because you hadn't said anything yet on the group chat and we were worried about you...and Wylan obviously. Oh saints Jesper are you alright you look like you're about to collapse?" Nina said in a hushed voice as she saw he was on the phone.

Jesper walked over to the sofa and slumped down, trying to keep himself sitting up-right with the overwhelming amount of emotions he was feeling. With the phone still to his ear in case anything came through he explained what he could to the couple.

"I waited for an hour and a half for Wylan to come back and heard nothing. I called him like ten times and he didn't pick up at all. Then all of a sudden what do I see but him calling me. I was confused but I picked up of course and yet now I've been repeating myself down the phone to seemingly no one. I don't know what to do."

Nina tried to keep Jesper calm whilst Matthias talked to him about the smart thing to do which was wait a bit longer and not make irrational decisions until it became too long and then call the police.

"I'm sure he's ok Jesper." Nina said for what felt like the millionth time, but her face said the opposite of that.

Another five minutes of silence down the phone came and went until something finally happened. When Jesper heard it he thought he imagined it at first, but he had put the phone on speaker now and when he saw that Nina and Matthias had heard something too, he felt a small amount of relief fill him.

"Jesper..." he had heard Wylans voice, very quiet, almost a whisper down the phone, and nothing else but his name.

The three of them had exchanged glances and then Jesper started speaking at Wylan again, feeling a bit more at ease knowing he was actually there.

"What's going on are you ok? Just start talking please Wy. Are you alone right now? I need to know if you are-"

Suddenly the call was ended.

Nina and Matthias blankly stared at the screen and Jesper felt all of his relief wash away.

"What the hell- why would he do that? What is going on?" Jesper got up and walked into the kitchen and seemingly unconsciously reached for a glass out the cupboard and a bottle of whiskey. It was just what he did whenever he was stressed out.

"Jesper stop, put that down, come on just take a minute and breathe. I know you're panicking but drinking isn't the answer." Nina reassured him, taking the glass off him and placing it back into the cupboard. She then took the bottle off him too and stared at it for a second. "Whiskey? What are you, sixty?"

Jesper shot her a glare and leaned against the cabinets in the kitchen, his mind racing and he felt overwhelmed. "What the hell am I going to do? I mean, what if something has happened to him, something bad? I...oh saints..." He put his head in left hand and swallowed the lump in his throat.

Matthias walked over to the kitchen and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't panic jesper, we're obviously all worried but we can't jump to conclusions yet."

Nina gave him a warm smile and closed the drinks cupboard. "Yeah, Jes, I'll go and ring Inej and kaz and tell them to come over too and then we can all think of what to do, surely kaz will think of something with his ways of planning and all. But the first thing I want you to do is go and get some sleep you look like you need a lie down."

"You're acting like you're my mother or something, and don't you think we should call the police?"

"And tell them what, your boyfriend didn't say anything on the phone and isn't home yet? I know it's not like him but maybe he's just had a bad day or something and he could be tired. The call was weird I have too admit but they won't do anything about it yet until it's been at least 12 hours, now just listen to me and please go and have some sleep, I know it's only 8:15 but the stress of this is getting to you I can tell so just go. We'll wake you up if anything happens." Nina gave Jesper a small push out of the kitchen and waved him off to his room, grabbing Matthias's hand and taking him to the sofa to call Inej and Kaz.

Jesper sauntered over to his bedroom, but not before stopping in Wylan's doorway and staring at his messy bed. His ears filled with the singular whisper over the phone and nothing else. Something had clearly been wrong, but what?

He went into Wylan's room and made his bed for him, folding the duvet back and putting the pillows in place like he usually did. Jesper realised he had been stood, staring at the bed for a while and then finally made his way over to his own room on the opposite side of the hall.

Jesper didn't bother changing, just lay down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling, his mind cycling with a million thoughts, most of them bad ones were unlikely but he couldn't help himself.

He didn't move, just lay there, sighing, waiting, worrying. Eventually his eyelids had started to feel heavy and he must of drifted off too because the next thing he knew he was being woken up by Inej.

"Jesper!" She was leaving over him and shaking him roughly to get up.

"Calm down I'm awake," he muttered under his breathe, his eyes opening and then all the things that had happened came flooding back into his mind. "Oh shit Inej have you heard anything yet-" he stopped when he registered the concerned look on her face and the apartment phone in her hand.

"That's why I came to get you, there's someone on the phone for you. I'm sorry Jes. It's the hospital and they're calling about Wylan."

Extra notes;
- Thanks again for reading, I know this is a long one and not very exciting but the next one will be a lot more eventful I promise.
-I hope you enjoyed and if you have any questions just ask, again thanks:))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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