Chapter 8.

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After blanking out in Kaeya's arms for what seemed like an eternity, you 'awoke' to an even bigger pillow fort then last time, with Diluc and Kaeya sitting there, staring intently at you. You sweatdropped and fiddled with the scarf around your neck.

You didn't want to be here.

It's not like they would believe you, even if you did tell them.

And then a loud grumble broke the extremely awkward silence.

Diluc couldn't help but chuckle. Of course, it was your stomach that would break the silence. He pondered something and came to a decision fairly quickly before speaking up.
"I'll go arrange the food, and Kaeya will stay here. We're not leaving until we know what happened to cause that."

Of course, you weren't going to tell them! How could you even begin to explain shit like that?! Knowing that, you did your best to shrug your shoulders nonchalantly. While sure, they could be counted as friends, that does not make them confidants in any way.

'Well... all of that is to cover up that I'd rather die than tell them.'

You couldn't tell them how you killed Kirumi, someone you treated like one of Rantaro's sisters. You just couldn't. Maybe Kaeya will see the urgency behind this and leave the room?

"We're not leaving you unless you tell us or a life-threatening event happens." Said Kaeya firmly.


You bit your lip, deciding to pray for a life-threatening event. You wouldn't mind one anyway, not when you already wanted to die. 'Again', your mind whispered.

A twisted small smile appeared on your face, though you managed to hide it before Kaeya could see it. But then you noticed something.

You had buried your face in your arms, and they were bandaged - you barely remembered what happened during the attack, but you certainly remembered the searing pain. A geniune smile replaced the one that had formed beforehand. Which turned into a frown as your mind wandered to something else.


He seemed so happy with Gonta before he was killed. You suspcted that they had a best friend relationship going for them, seeing how much they were hanging around each other, but you didn't pry. It wasn't any of your business, and even though you weren't an angel by any means, you respect some privacy.

Why and how did he get killed? Something must have happened. You then had a thought.

'Hold on. Kirumi didn't introduce herself as the Prime Minister, so it seems that she remembered it through something. Did the blasted bear give out another motive to make us remember? He certainly didn't hesitate with the time limit or with making us kill each other, so it must have been passed out by the bastard. Did he solely give Kirumi access to a portion of her memories? That would explain it.'

So the bear got Ryoma killed. Of course it was. You gritted your teeth, hating it more than ever.

The room, oblivious to your thoughts, was completely quiet. The two of you sat in silence when suddenly, you smelled food approaching. You dashed to the door, opening it as Diluc was raising his hand mid-knock. The redhead came inside, bearing a plate with a few meat and mushroom skewers and a cup of hot chocolate. Also known as: perfect comfort food. You released a tiny smile and wolfed it down, really relieved by the food.

"So, um...are we just going to camp out in this room?" You gingerly asked. "Until you tell us. Jean allowed Kaeya a bit of time off since she felt bad about what happened, and I can depend on someone else for the time being to run the Winery." Diluc replied.

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