Chapter one: out of the oven

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You looked out the oven door to see the witch poisoning sweets and giving them to children. She chuckled with a raspy voice while handing out the sweets.

This was your chance to get out of the oven and escape. Since the oven door was made out of metal, you climbed through the eye of the skull on the door.

You could see a rat chasing right at you, you quickly jumped back in the oven but the rat couldn't get through. There were tiny pieces of crumbs left the rats nails.

The witch heard the rat screeching. She walked over to the table and firmly grabbed the rat with her bear hands. She held it till it was suffocating. When it died, she threw the rat out the window were a child was eating it's ice cream.

She looked at you for a second and then walked back by the window were the poisoned sweets were.

You quietly jumped out the door of the oven, and then sprinted across the counter. You saw a piece of string leading down to the floor. so you jumped on it and sled down the string.

You were so nervous that the witch was going to hear you. But since you were small that was a 10% chance that she was going to hear you.

You looked all around to find a hole to run through but there wasn't any besides the window.

The witch walked back to the oven to put more cookies in there. She watched them burn until the fire was to hot and burned them into hell.

You quickly ran up the leg of the table and jumped out the window. The sun blinded you r eyes as you looked at the sky.

You carefully jumped out the window and ran into the woods.

You noticed how small the world is when you were outside but when you were in the witches cottage it seemed like the world was big.

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