Our Little Friendship I - Too Old For A Babysitter

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Josh POV

This was supposed to be a great time for me and Tyler to experience with our clearly growing love for each other that we were both too shy to talk about. Our parents were going on a vacation, and were supposed to leave me and Tyler to ourselves. But of course, parents will always have to interfere with the unknown love story of two boys by hiring a babysitter.

"Don't you think we might be too old for a babysitter?" I asked to my mom. "We're both thirteen. Do we really need one?"

"Age doesn't determine if you need a babysitter or not, young man." Bickered Mom. "It's all about the ability of you and Tyler to take care of yourselves."

"You're lack of confidence in me and Tyler is upsetting." I bleated. "Who's this babysitter, anyways?"

"Her name is Elizabeth Cleveland. She's a 16 year old girl from Nashville, Tennessee." Stated Mom.

"Sixteen?" I repeated.

"Yeah. She's sixteen." Said Mom. "I figured it wouldn't be an issue since you and Tyler are both into guys, aren't you?"

"I mean . . . She's only 3 years older than us." I doubted. "Sixteen year old girls could get out of control sometimes. Wouldn't it been better if you guys got someone older."

"And thirteen year old boys could be confusing and moody sometimes, yet she's taking care of two of them." Replied Mom.

With that, I laid my head back on the car window and continued to stare at the blue sky with little clouds.

It's probably a good time to introduce myself now. I'm Josh Padilla, a 13 year old maybe gay boy. I have tan skin, inherited from my mom, and blue eyes with light brown hair that fades into light blonde, my eyes being from my dad and the hair a mix between my two parents. I'm 5'5, a result of my first grow spurt. I'm heading to my best friend's house, Tyler. Tyler's also my age, but he looks very different from me. He's got pale skin and pitch black hair and eyes, inherited from both of his Romanian parents.

I'll be staying at Tyler's house while our parents our gone. But since mom can't trust me and Tyler to take care of ourselves, they've decided to hire a stupid babysitter, who's for sure going to cancel most of the plans me and Tyler had planned ahead of time.

Me and Tyler had first met back in third grade, when the teacher had put us together for an assignment. He invited me to his house to work on it together, and we grew from there. Specially after finding out how close we live to each other.

Tyler lived in the outer part of the suburbs of Denver, where most house were considered mansions. Tyler's house was three stories and was built all the way back in the 1700s by a Spanish man and his family.

Me and mom kept arguing about me having a babysitter until we got to Tyler's house. It wasn't a heated argument, but more like a family argument, where you don't mean any of the insults said at each other.

"Bye mom." I told Mom as I opened the car door and put my foot on the road.


Mom kissed me a goodbye kiss, and headed towards the airport, where Tyler's parents were waiting for her.

"Will you please put some pants on?" I heard as I walked into Tyler's house. "You can't be running around in your underwear."

Tyler was sitting on the couch, missing his pants. He was wearing a black sweater with a yellow outline of a triangle in middle and his black low rise boxer briefs with gray waistbands.

"I'm a teenage boy. You can't expect me to listen to you or wear pants around the house when my parents aren't here. Im taking advantage." Sassed Tyler, getting off the couch and walking towards the kitchen.

I could only assume the person begging Tyler to cover up was Elizabeth. She was my height, had blue eyes, blonde, and very pretty.

She only noticed me when she saw my shadow standing by the door.

"You must be the other boy." She murmured.

"Josh?" Coaxed Tyler as he walked out the kitchen with an open container of orange juice in his hand.

"Hey, Tyler." I assured him.

"Josh, will you please tell your friends to go put his pants on and listen to me for one second?" Asked Elizabeth.

"You should probably listen to her." I advised to my pant less best friend. "I think some shorts will be fine."

Tyler rolled his eyes and headed upstairs.

Elizabeth sighed a breath of relief and triumph. "I'm guessing your name is Josh. I'm Elizabeth."

"Yeah. I'm Josh." I greeted her. "I'm sorry about Tyler."

"Don't worry about him. He's like any other teenage boy. You're a rare kind: a good one." Grinned Elizabeth.

I smiled back.

"I'm not strict when it comes to my babysitting. Just don't bother me, don't get yourself in trouble, and please, for the love of God, keep your friend in pants." She huffed.

"Will do." I acquiesced. "Can I head upstairs now?"

"I don't care what you do. Just follow those 3 rules." She said.

I smiled at her again and started to walk up the stairs. Tyler's room was in the 3rd floor, and also was the biggest room of the house. Tyler was pretty spoiled. He rarely got in trouble with his parents, and they bought him almost everything he wanted.

I opened the door to his room to see him completely naked. His hairless testicles dangling off his circumcised penis, which had a little bit of hair at the base of it.

"Oh, come on, Tyler!" I cringed at the sight of Tyler's nude body. "She said to put some pants on, not completely change."

"I just had to take the time and appreciate the beauty of the boy body." He said, touching the head of his penis and holding back the moan.

"Just get changed already. That's one of her simple rules." I attested.

"Since when do you care about rules?" He coaxed.

"Since I matured."

"You matured my ass."

"More than you."

"I started puberty. Which means I get hornier more often."

"So have I. Yet I still focus on good and relevant things." I countered. "Just change, please."

Tyler rolled his eyes and put on a pair of electric blue high rise briefs from his closet, followed by a pair of short black shorts, and a black T-shirt.

"I've been thinking of castrating you in your sleep." He whispered to my ear.

"Let's not play sex tease." I whispered back.

"Who said it was a tease?" He quipped.

He laughed and pushed him towards his bed, where he fell, laughing.

It seemed crazy to me that if it weren't for the babysitter downstairs at the moment, we could have made out, even though either of us had declared our love for each other.

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