○ Six ○

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Every camper was rushed into the mess hall, Gary, a camp a counsellor, rang the bell screaming at the top of his lung for all campers to hurry.

Inside Eli and Ziggy were clutching onto each others arms, both panting from running and fear. They watched as Nick counted the campers, rushing around the room. 

The scream of the campers erupt once again when the lights shut off momentarily making the best friends flinch. 

"How many?" Gary asks walking over to nick whose eyes were on the scared friends. "Uh 23." Gary looks at him flabbergasted "That's at least thirty missing." 

"Wheres Cindy, Kurt, Joan?" Nick asks walking over to the phone. At his question Eli stops and stares at him, where the fuck was Brit. 

"I don't know i haven't seen them or Tommy or anyone." Gary's eyes lock onto the double cabin doors. "Shit maybe they're looking for us." 

Nick slams down the phone  seeing as it was dead. The best friends nod at each other before rushing to leave the cabin. 

"We have to go. We have to warn people." Eli was grabbed by the waist, stopping Ziggy as well. 

"We have to go her sisters still out there. Brits still out there." Despite what happened between the two, she couldn't bare the thought of her first real love being brutally murdered. 

"Yeah the same ex that broke your heart?" Eli stares at him dead in the eyes with a heavy glare before trying to move around him only to be stopped once again. 

"I'm sorry i didn't mean it." She looks past him and at the door before looking back at him. "Me and Gary will go." Ignoring the scared exclaim from the said boy who didn't even volunteer. 

"Just please. The both of you stay here." He held onto her shoulders, looking over at the red head with a stern expression. 

"We can't just sit here." 

"I'M NOT letting you get hurt." His loud words silence the cabin. "Either of you." He holds Eli's face ignoring the weird looks he could feel directed at the pair. 

"Let me do my job okay." He kisses her cheek before walking off motioning for the terrified Gary to follow.

"You realise thats a camper right and if Brit finds out." They grab some flashlights before rushing out to the cabins that they were assigned to. "What if the killers still out there huh?" 

"That's the whole point Gary. Now lets go." 

Gary alerts the campers to stay in the cabin and to not make too much noise before rushing after Nick. The best friends stare after the two before Ziggy was pushed into a wall. 

"Hey where is she witch?" Sheilas little puppies spat out at Ziggy, A still bruised faced, Will stood watching as they did so. "What did you do with her huh? Kill her like you killed Jeremy?" 

They were then quickly pushed away from her, an angry face Eli. "What the fuck are you talking about?" 

"Shelia!" The red shirt bitch says. "Where the fuck is Sheila?" 

The best friends look at each other, realising their one flaw in their prank. "Shit" They both run outside the cabin ignoring all of the other campers who told them not to. 

"Nick we forgot Sheila." They yell out before shutting up realising that the killer could have been watching them. "Shit." They hold hands before sprinting off to the out house. 

After the loud screams a camper woke up in annoyance, the camper knowing that voice shot up. She quickly put on her jacket and shoes before rushing outside. Where it was pitch black, not a camper in sight. 

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now