Protect those you love

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Warnings : Angst and cursing

It's kinda short as I want Y/N to be the last one found.

I giggle at Druig's poor attempt at flirting with a girl he met. I saw his face fall as she walked away.

"Tough luck?" I ask the taller male.
"I don't get it. What about me is so bad?"
"You do realize you called her a donkey, right?"
"What?! I thought I said pretty." I laugh at him pouting.
"It's okay lover boy. You'll learn eventually. Now come on. We are moving today. Heard it's Greece today." I smile and start walking towards the ship.

I smile at the small boy talking to me as he shows off his new toy.

"Y/N! Deviant!" I heard someone shout. I turn and saw the beast barreling towards me. I as it gets close and stomp, the earth becoming jagged rocks, trying to slow the deviant. I catch its jaws between my hands.

"Run!" I yell to the small boy. I turn quickly to the danger in front of me. I start pushing its jaws in opposite directions, splitting It's head in half.

I wake up in a cold sweat. The dreams feel more real everyday. The memories of the lifes that were lost, the monsters killed, all the things that haunt me in my sleep.Then knocking.

"Must be what woke me up." I check my phone and see the time. 3:27 am.

"Somebody better be on fire!" I yell as I get up, putting on pants and quickly opening my apartment door.

"Not yet." A small orange haired kid answered me. I look around the hall and see them. The Eternals, aka, a family reunion.

"So, let me get this straight, AJ is dead, and Giligamesh, and we have to stop a celestial being from waking up so we can save Earth? Also Olympia never existed and we are some sort of fancy robots?!" I slam down my coffee. "Well son of a bitch. When are we going on the road to save the world?"

"As soon as you're ready." Sersi said.

"Let me put on some actual clothes. Don't touch anything." I pointed at Sprite.

"So what are you doing lately?" Druig asked as he sat next to me on Kingo's plane.

"Mainly working in a bookshop near my apartment. It's okay. Really slow most days. You?"

"Fun. Protecting some people in the Amazon."

"Mind control protecting?" I ask side eyeing him.

"Maybe. Not like we don't all use our powers" I giggle at his cocky smile.

"What ever dork." I lightly push his shoulder with mine.

I watch as Ikaris fights Druig. I block a hit with a boulder I lifted up. I lift rocks to make a path up to them. I grab Druig before he falls to the Earth, a hit from Ikaris's lasers hitting my back.

"Y/N!" Druig yells as I double over in pain. Another hit. Two more after that. Druig runs over.

"I would protect you to the end of time. I love you Druig. Protect the others." I smile with tears in my eyes. I turn and open my arms. Accepting hit after hit.

"Get to the volcano and put the celestial to sleep! Now!"

Then dark.

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