○ Seven ○

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Nick had almost stood up when we heard the rattling of the door. I quickly grab his arm, stopping him from standing, grabbing a hold of Ziggy's hand as well. 

We watch as a hand comes smashing through the window before it unlocked the door. We quickly hid behind a table, i began crying silently as i hear Tommy get closer.

I crawl across to another table with them hearing tommy get closer and before we knew it, he had smashed an enclosure making a loud sound. 

The sound of the snake and his feet on the shards of glass was daunting, i felt as if i was about to lose some of the most important people in my life. 

Ziggy grabs onto my hand tightly as she looks into the direction of something. Looking, i see the large snake hissing towards us, making me gulp in fear.

The snake slowly makes it's way onto ziggys leg then mine making us pant in fear quietly.

Just as I went to grab onto ziggys hand she was pulled up by her hair screaming.

"ZIGGY!" I watch as Tommy slams her onto the floor. He didn't even go after Nick or me. Just as he went to hit her with his axe I shoulder check him  knocking the axe out of his hand.

As I helped her up Tommy goes to swing his axe at us but before he could Nick intervered, the axe slicing into the back of his thigh.

"NICK!" I scream loudly looking at him as he laid withering in pain on the floor.

"Run. Run."

Ziggy drags me away and we run as far as we can looking back too many times to count.

We run through the woods before making it back to the road. I was looking for anyone.



As we scream out the sound of a bus starting makes us turn and rush towards it but before we could do anything it zooms off.

In the distance I see a figure walking towards us. Tommy.

"We have to go now." I grab her hand yanking her in the direction of the mess hall.

When we get in the ziggy hugs me before pushing me in the opposite direction.

"You have to go."

Shaking my head at her craziness. "What no. I'm not leaving you ziggy." I wipe my shirt on her blooded arm not listening to her.

"You have to. He's after me. You're from sunnyvale." No this couldn't be happening. "Go hide and stay quiet."


"GO" She shouts at me before hugging me. "I love you."

"I love you." I let out a few tears before rushing outside, the opposite direction of where Tommy was.

I hope she and I would live our days, playing pranks on people till we were 80. If only we both knew.

As I was running, a song began playing in the radio. Kansas Carry on Wayward son.

I didn't know how long I had been there but all I could think of was Ziggy and how I had just left her there.

As I hid behind a tree, I hear the sounds of branches snapping a head of me. Shaking and crying silently as the sound came closer.

Looking at the figure, I see a blonde head of hair.

"Brit?" I whisper quietly making her head snap towards me.

"Ellie?" She rushes towards me hugging me tightly. I sob into her shoulder pulling her into my hiding spot.

I shush her placing my hand over her mouth hearing more footsteps. We hide hugging each other as the sounds of heavy feet come closer.

Breaking The Chain ••• Fear Street 1994, 1978, 1666Where stories live. Discover now