Chapter 1: The Sorting Hat

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I walked down the hallway on the Hogwarts express. The colors on the train being kinda bland for my taste. I'm walking with my annoying brother,Osamu, he thinks he's better than me, but I would disagree.

"Samu' can we sit there, their are some cool lookin people," I said looking at the two people in the sitting booth. One look tired, droopy eyes, but also alert and awake. The other, well the other was really good looking. He had dark brown, almost black eyes. Two beauty marks right above his right eyebrow, curly black hair.
"Sure, I don't care, just don't be to loud," Samu' said.

"Me,loud, never." I said while I walked over to the booth, Samu' walking slowly behind me.
"Can we help you?," the droopy eye boy asked.
"Just wondering if we can sit with ya'." I said with a smile.

The droopy eye boy looked at the boy with the beauty marks and asked,
" You okay with them sitting here?"
" I don't mind, just make sure they put hand sanitizer on before they sit down." The beauty marked boy responded.
"Okay" The droopy eye boy turned to speak to us again,
" Here is some hand sanitizer." He said while handing me and Samu' hand sanitizer. We put the sanitizer on, the smell reminded me of the doctors office and I cringed at the thought. After me and Samu' put the sanitizer on we sat down and started to introduce ourselves.
" I'm Miya Atsumu, but just call me Atsumu me and Samu' are twins." I said with another smile.
" Osamu, my name is Osamu. Don't call me Samu' only Tsumu' calls me that." Samu' said with a glare.
Why, why was he glaring they hadn't done anything wrong? Or was Samu' getting defensive over his nickname?

The droopy eye boy spoke again,
"My name is Suna," he then gave Samu' a small smile and Samu' stopped glaring surprised I would guess.
" I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi" the beauty marked boy said while turning to look at me, and we just stared at each other. I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. I looked down to stop the eye contact. The train suddenly stopped I looked out the window, we've had arrived at Hogwarts.

Finally, I would get to be sorted. I don't really care what I get as long as I'm not a Slytherin. My dad was a Slytherin and he is a horrible person. I'm not saying all Slytherins are bad, but I just don't want to be a Slytherin.
"We should stay together, so we have people we kinda know" Suna said. I nodded and I got up grabbing my suit cases.
"Let's go shall' we" I said with another smile.


"Are yer' guys exited ta' see what house ya' get inta'?" I asked. Suna nodded and then asked,
" What house do you guys think'll you get?"
" Personally, I don't care what I get as long as I'm not a Slytherin." I said while walking into the dinning hall.
" Well, I don't care either as long as I'm not a Gryffindor, their energy and their bravery sickens me." Samu' said. Sakusa nodded while looking at the lady walking onto the platform in front of us.
" Hello, my name is Professor Vinaster, welcome to Hogwarts! We will get the sorting hat and start sorting shortly!" The professor said. After she said that people started talking to each other. I caught Sakusa looking at me. I don't mind, I wonder what he thinks of me? The lady came back onto the platform and said,
" Let the sorting began! First, Akaashi! Will, Akaashi come up here please?!"


The professor was calling me up, and if I was being honest I'm kinda nervous but my friend, Bokuto, was practically shoving me up to be sorted. I headed up and sat in the chair to be sorted. The hat was saying something about me being smart and logical, yes I'm smart but logical was an overstatement. The hat yelled,
" RAVENCLAW!!" I stood up nodded a thank you and went back to Bokuto. Who was really exited that I was a RavenClaw. We didn't have time to talk because the professor called Bokuto's name.
" Would Bokuto please come up here to be sorted?!"

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