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I sat in front of the mirror like I always did every morning, I had just finished applying my makeup and as I stood up, my knees buckled under my weight, that's what happens when you spend 2 hours in a chair, maintaining perfect posture while applying makeup. It was a requirement, if your makeup is not perfect, you will receive the proper punishment, is what she says but what she actually means is ' might as well just commit suicide because I will show you no mercy '

I started to ease my body into a standing position, still maintaining perfect posture. Minutes later I stood in front of my full length mirror, I wore a short pink pencil skirt, a silk hot pink blouse and matching heels. I walked towards the kitchen where the rest of my family were. My father was sitting on the kitchen island looking through some documents, my mother, sitting across from him was on her phone, my little brother was at the breakfast nook enjoying his cereal, while our nanny was feeding my baby brother. What a close family, I mentally rolled my eyes.

" What the hell dude, are you going to a business meeting or school " my little brother asked, that was when my parents noticed my presence.

" Oh, your ready sweetheart " my mom said, looking at me. I nodded my head at her and she seemed pleased with it as she returned to her phone. " I'd prefer not to go to either but without an education, what will I be good for other than eye candy. " I said, smiling, a genuine smile, one of very few.

" Yeah, that's true " he agreed.

" Do you want me to drop you off or will you take the driver " my father asked, his eyes still focused on the documents in his hands.

" I'll take the driver " I said walking towards the car park, my family was fairly weathly, is what I would say if I was modest and I am anything but, I'm filthy rich, sweetheart, my family practically owns a majority of this stupid small town. Once I reached the car of my choosing, a sleek black Rolls Royce, the driver arrived, wearing the required attire, she remained quiet as she opened the door for me.

" Could you please pick up my friend, Erika, she lives in Martyr Rd " I asked, pulling out my phone, I didn't bother waiting for a response, I wasn't asking for permission.

Fifteen minutes later, we drove through what many called a posh neighborhood and stopped in front of big house, Erika was already outside waiting. My driver exited the car and went to open the door for her. Erika entered and she reeked of perfume, I was starting to get dizzy.

" Hey " she screeched, I say screeched because her voice was so annoyingly high it sounded like a bird. I hummed in response.

" Are we going to pick up the others " Erika asked, it might seem stupid but I was desperately holding on to my anger, her question was stupid, we had explained this months earlier, why she felt the need to ask the same damned question every god damned day was annoying. I sighed as I turned my whole body towards her. " Erika, I have a new rule for you " I said as she repeatedly nodded her head, sometimes I doubt whether or not she can even understand English. " Don't talk to me at all, when I come to pick you up, keep your mouth shut and speak unless absolutely necessary, got it? " I asked, she just smiled and nodded her head. I turned my attention back towards my phone and it stayed there until we reached the school. 

My driver opened the door for us and we exited the car, I looked at Erika for the first time today, I mean really look at her and I noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing a pink leather very short skirt and a white blouse, her blonde hair styled into flawless curls and she was wearing white sneakers, she was wearing her sunglasses on her head as she blocked the  morning sun with her hands, what are the things on top of your head, horns. I scoffed.

Two minutes later, two luxury cars pulled up, two beautiful girls  exited both cars. Amelia, the chestnut brunette on the left was wearing a white fitted long sleeve dress and black boots, on the right was Carrie, a blonde wearing a white skirt and boob tube and white sneakers, lots of white. 

We all stood in front of the school, a couple more minutes a bright pink car wizzed towards the school parking lot, a red haired girl exited the car, wearing a tight leather pink dress, she walked towards us, smiling brightly. " Sarah " I greeted, she nodded her head, it has been two months since she joined the Perfecti  and she still had a lot to learn, that smile was going to disappear later on tonight.

We walked towards the school and I turned towards Sarah. " Darryl has a party tonight, were invited, will you come ? " I asked.

" At his house? " She  asked, rather excited.

" No, he's booked a hotel " I said.

" For a birthday, just a few hours " she asked.

" It's for the weekend, only a few people get to go and you didn't answer my question "

" Well, yes, of course, definitely " she screamed.

The perfect girls of Hamilton PrepWhere stories live. Discover now