1 | Like a Fly in a Web | 1

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word count: 1154

Licorice Cookie scurried through the woods, scythe in hand.

"Poison Mushroom Cookie! Where are you?!" he yelled with a hint of annoyance.

He had been looking for the poisonous cookie for half an hour, running around the forest and shouting their name again and again. He sent his servants to search for them, but they didn't have any luck either. Not even Bat-Cat's excellent hearing had found them yet. This was the second time they were looking for that poisonous cookie. If they were sleeping in a bush again, it was certainly not the same one this time.

Licorice stopped running to take a breath, and dropped his scythe on the ground in exhaustion. A short break wouldn't hurt, right? He assumed Poison-M was gonna emerge from the bushes any second anyways. He took a step forward, then felt something odd under his feet.

He shrieked when he suddenly got lifted into the air, waving his hand around trying to reach for his scythe.
His head was only inches away from hitting a branch. Threads of rope connecting to create a spider-web shape kept him above the ground. He was caught in a net, how didn't he see the trap?! He panicked as he tried to struggle out of it, "Who on Earthbread put this here?! Let me out!"
He wondered if Poison Mushroom had fallen into a trap like this too, but they would've never gotten out of one of these. It was as if the net got tighter the more he tried to escape.
Then he heard the sounds of crunching leaves, and he saw an object moving in the corner of his eye. Not an object, but another cookie.

The footsteps stopped and he looked down to see who it was.
"You seem to be in a bit of a pickle," the stranger said calmly as they looked back at him. Their white hair flowed in the slight breeze.
Licorice scoffed, "I don't know what 'being in a pickle' means, but I am in a stupid net. Free me now or else!"
"Or else what?" the green-hatted cookie responded. They tilted their head a little, amused.

He was about to answer, but couldn't think of a threat before the stranger told him "I've heard stories about you. Aren't you Licorice Cookie?"
He blinked. "Yes, I am the most- I mean second most fearsome cookie! After Dark Enchantress Cookie of course," he claimed. "Now who are you?"
"My name is Clover Cookie and I go by he. You don't look that scary, in my opinion."
Clover glanced at the weapon on the ground. "Does that happen to be yours?" he asked.
Licorice nodded and exclaimed "Cut the net with my scythe! If you help me out of here, I- uh.. I won't make my servants go after you the next time I see you!"

To his surprise, Clover placed his guitar on a tree stump and grabbed the scythe.
"This is heavy, but I think I can do it," he said as he carefully held up the scythe closer to the net. In a slash, there was a wide hole in the net and Licorice hopped out. His landing wasn't exactly perfect, but he stood on both legs.
Swiftly snatching his scythe back, he attempted an evil laugh and spat "Haha! You fool, this was all part of my plan, definitely! Now I-"

He cursed as he tripped on a rock and fell right in front of Clover.

"This is not funny!" Licorice said with grit teeth when he heard Clover's quiet giggling. Sadly, this was not his worst first impression.
Clover's giggles went away and he reached out a hand. Licorice stared at it in hesitation before letting Clover pull him up.
Holding Clover's hand was strange. It felt warmer than any other cookie's hand was, giving him some sort of cozy feeling. Not to mention how soft it was, it made him wonder if he was holding a pillow or a real hand.

"Are you gonna let go yet?"

Clover's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and back to reality.
"Oh- uh- yeah, sorry." Licorice took his hand away fast and cleared his throat. Clover smiled, "A cookie of darkness apologized to me? What a pleasant surprise."
Licorice rolled his eyes and checked if there were any stains on his scythe. While checking, he tried to process what just happened right now.

He was looking for Poison Mushroom, caught in a random net trap and freed by someone he has never met before, who's hands might be tiny pillows in disguise.
"Wait, who told you about me?" he asked. While Clover was grabbing his guitar, he replied "Oh you know, the five who I heard beat you in a battle."

Licorice frowned and stepped a meter away from Clover. He can't associate himself with someone from the "good side". Especially someone who reminded of one of his worst defeats. Though, Clover did free him from that trap with no hesitation, knowing that Licorice was "bad".

He tried to ignore his inner conflict. "Why is there even a trap here?" Licorice questioned. Clover shrugged, "Maybe to catch 'fearsome' cookies such as you?"
"Pfft, none of us would get caught in such an obvious trap." ..
"Oh wait."
Clover chuckled as Licorice facepalmed at himself.

"You aren't as bad as I thought you were, Licorice Cookie."
Licorice's eyes widened at his statement. "W-what do you mean?!"
Clover grinned and said "Well, you haven't been doing anything I'd consider truly evil since I've freed you. Other than those threats."
Licorice's entire body froze when Clover got closer. Like an unknown force kept his mouth shut so no insults came out, and kept his hand in place so he couldn't use his scythe or spells.

"I think I'm gonna go home, the sun's setting." Clover was right, the sky had the shades of an autumn leaf. "I guess this is goodbye?"
"Wait!" Licorice blurted out, then covered his mouth with a hand. He gulped as Clover gazed straight into his eyes with curiosity.
"Uh- never mind! Go back to your stupid kingdom and tell everyone that they should be afraid of what she's planning next! By 'she' I mean Dark Enchantress! Also do not ever speak of what happened here!"

Clover simply gave him a warm smile and spoke a lot calmer than him "Don't worry, Licorice. Now farewell, hope we meet again."

Licorice was speechless while Clover walked home, the trees hiding him from Licorice's sight as he went farther away.

"Hope we meet again."

Those words were stuck in his mind. No meeting with a non-evil cookie had ever ended on a good note before now.
But that wasn't the only reason why he couldn't get Clover's voice out of his head.

"..Was that a... new friend?"

A sudden, familiar voice behind him made him jump.

I had to rewrite half of this because it didn't save :,) - Author

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