Oh Dear Dad

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"Daddy, Daddy help!" Was what Lucifer woke up from on a early Monday morning, the sky was still dark, and as far as he could see there was no one else in the room, but his detective.
"I hate bloody nightmares," Lucifer said out loud to himself trying to catch his breath. Why was he having dreams of spawns? It seemed very weird to him until he heard a little scream, if he wasn't a celestial he would not have heard it.
"Beatrice," He said out loud to himself again and descended down the stairs into the little girls room. She was thrashing around in her bed, so Lucifer decided the only thing he could do was wake her up.
"Urchin," Lucifer tried and gave her a little shake, nothing.
"Urchin," Lucifer tried again with a harder shake it was only making it worse.
"Trixie!" Lucifer said and the poor little thing shot straight up. Lucifer turned her bedside lamp on, and she had tears streaming down her face, and her whole body was shaking.
"Are you alright Urchin?" Lucifer asked, but the only answer he got was the eleven year old flying into his arms.
"I don't want to sleep, I don't want to sleep," Trixie repeated over and over again and all Lucifer could do was awkwardly pat her back.
"Um why don't you come sleep with your mother?" Lucifer asked, and Trixie nodded, but when he tried to let her go she started thrashing again, so he immediately took hold of her again. He decided carrying her was the best option.
"Alright Urchin here we are if your Mother wakes up tell her I'm on the couch," Lucifer whispered to Trixie, but she did something that surprised him.
"Please stay," Trixie said in the least energized voice Lucifer had ever heard come from the small human.
"Okay," was all Lucifer said and, Trixie in her sleepy voice told him to get in the middle which Lucifer thought was strange but did as the spawn wanted. With Chloe on the left, Lucifer in the middle, and Trixie on the right they all slept wonderfully after that.
-The Next Morning-
"Lucifer, LUCIFER," Chloe screamed and the devil shot up in the bed. The detective did not look pleased.
"What's wrong?" Lucifer asked groggily, but then he remembered the Urchin he rescued the night before.
"Why is Trixie in our bed?" Chloe asked not looking as angry just a little worried.
"Trixie had a nightmare and she was balling her eyes out and shaking, I didn't want to leave her alone," Lucifer said and laid back down pulling the little girl into his chest.
"Ok what has gotten into you, you would barely even touch Trixie yesterday and now you are holding on to her for dear life," Chloe said, and she could admit the sight was adorable but something seemed off with him.
"I had nightmares in hell all the time and last night was the first time I have had one in a long time. Then when I woke up the first thing I heard was the Urchin screaming out," Lucifer pulled Trixie into him even more and the small child snuggled into him.
"Why didn't you wake me up," Chloe asked and he just sighed and looked at her.
"You needed your sleep," was all Lucifer said and gave the detective a small smile, he was being very vulnerable right now so she would let it go.
"It's alright this time but if it happens again wake me up ok," Chloe said and Lucifer nodded his head.
"Trixie is going to be late for school if we don't get her up," Chloe said and started rubbing the little girls back to get her to wake up.
"Urchin time to get up," Lucifer said and since he had switched his and Trixie's spots she was now looking at her Mother and as soon as she saw her mom she let out a blood curdling scream and turned into Lucifer's chest.
"Trixie honey what's wrong," the detective asked her daughter, and rubbed her back to try, and comfort her but as soon as Trixie felt her hand she screamed again, and Chloe pulled her hand away, she was hurt but more worried about her daughter.
"Urchin you have to go to school," Lucifer said and all Trixie did was start crying harder which made Chloe worry even more. Chloe looked at the clock and realized that even if they got up now Trixie was going to be really late, and she was in no state to go into school either way.
"Trix you don't have to go to school today but me and Lucifer have to got to work. Do you want to go with us?" Chloe momentarily thought about a babysitter but with Trixie only letting Lucifer touch her that probably wouldn't go over well. She saw her nod into Lucifer's chest.
"Lucifer will you take her downstairs to her room to get dressed?" Chloe asked and Lucifer looked a little uncomfortable but did as he was told. He walked down the stairs and into the little Urchins room.
"I'm going to go upstairs and change call when you are done," Lucifer said and, set her down on her bed and luckily didn't scream. He walked back upstairs and heard the shower running. Lucifer got dressed and when he was done there was crying coming from the bathroom, Lucifer went in and Chloe was sitting on the counter crying.
"Love what's wrong," Lucifer asked, he hated to see Chloe cry. She hugged Lucifer tight and cried into his chest.
"I don't know how to help her," Chloe said referring to Trixie.
"All the Urchin needs right now is for you to do exactly what you have always done, love her," Lucifer said and Chloe nodded. When Chloe was finished getting ready they went downstairs and Trixie was laying on the couch her face emotionless. The detective tried to hug her, but again she only pulled away. She wouldn't leave without Lucifer carrying her so that's what he did, to the car and now they were at the precinct with him carrying her inside.
"Chlo what's Trix doing here?" Dan asked and put a hand on her back. Oh boy was that a mistake. Trixie screamed again and everyone in the precinct practically fell off their chairs, some actually did.
"Trixie I'm sorry," Dan said immediately and Trixie started crying again.
"Lucifer take her over to my desk please," Chloe said with a tired look on her face.
"Of course detective," Lucifer said and carried the Spawn over to the desk. Chloe explained the situation to Dan and as much as he hated Lucifer carrying his daughter around it seemed to be there only option. After there conversation ended Dan went back to his desk and Chloe went to hers.
"Detective I was thinking what if we let her talk to Linda?" Lucifer asked with a tentative smile.
"That's actually not a bad idea I'll call her and see if she has anything for tomorrow," Chloe smiled at her boyfriend, but she noticed his guilty smile he was giving her.
"I may have already texted her and asked and, she said she has something in an hour," Lucifer said looking down at the little Urchin. He was beginning to notice something off about Trixie, she had a different aura about her.
"Alright but you are going to have to take her we have a new case," Chloe said not believing she actually was trusting Lucifer this much with her baby.
"That's fine I left my car here yesterday anyway," Lucifer stood up with a sleeping Trixie in his arms.
"Just text me if something goes wrong," Chloe said and Lucifer nodded and headed out to his car and buckled Trixie into the passenger seat.
"Where are we going?" Trixie asked sleepily and curled her legs up.
"We are going to see Linda and you are going to talk to her for a little while," Lucifer said and the little human nodded. Lucifer drove and they hit lunch hour traffic but they arrived just on time. He picked Trixie up out of the car and carried her into the office.
"Thank you for seeing her Doctor," The devil said and Linda could visibly see the worry on his face it was quite odd actually.
"It's no problem at all now go wait outside," Linda said and, he looked hesitant but did as he was told. Lucifer was not a patient person, he never claimed to be but sitting out in that hallway felt like forever. When he looked down at his watch he realized an hour had gone by. The door to Linda's office opened, and her face was extremely pale.
"We have a problem," Linda said and Trixie came out of the office with tears streaming down her face.
"Turn around sweetheart," Linda said softly and the Urchin did. Linda lifted up her shirt and Lucifer gasped.
"Oh dear dad."
Hi! So this is the first chapter of the little devils. You may be very confused right now and wondering how this relates to the story but I promise it will make sense later.  Anyway I hope you enjoyed <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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