We Are Endgame

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Bronwyn's POV

It's back to normal at Bayview High School. Everyone seems to forget about Simon's death incident. Cooper is also doing great with his boyfriend, Kris. Addy is also doing so great. She has taken a break from boys and this time she looks much better. And what about me? I am not normal. I don't feel good. I feel nothing okay. My parents tell me that it's because I have been through a rough time. But that's not the case. I know what's wrong with me. I miss him. Yes, I miss Nate. After coming out of jail he has been distant and I can completely understand why. I know whatever he has done so far, all the drug deals and bad choices he has made it was not his own choice. He was forced and it was all because of the situation. He suffered a lot from his childhood. I know deep down inside he is a great guy, a caring person who can do anything for his loved ones, to protect them; to protect me. I know he is thinking he is doing the right thing by staying away from me. He thinks he doesn't deserve me even though I know that he loves me too. I know he wants to be with me too but he is keeping himself away from me just so I can have a secure and happy future. That's why he has been avoiding me since he came out of jail and it's killing me. Apart from Maeve, no one understands what I am going through. I tried to talk to him but he is avoiding me. I don't know how to get through him. 

" Can you please just stop thinking about Nate for once B?" Addy shakes me out of my thoughts. I am currently sitting at the cafeteria with Addy and Cooper. Both of them have a smile on their faces.

"What? I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said Addy" I push my glasses back to my eyes and try to concentrate on the food instead of Nate who is sitting across our table, alone. I can feel him stealing glances from our table but he doesn't look at me. 

"I don't understand that what is stopping him? It's clear that Nate loves you then why is he not talking to you?" Cooper says

"Well, we all know. He thinks he is protecting B. He thinks he is bad for her and being with him will ruin her perfect future. The cool, badass Nate McCall is actually thinking about Bronwyn rather than himself. That's what's wrong" Addys says

"But I want to be with him. Why does he get to say everything about my future and not me? It's my life and I know I love him." I sigh

"Well that's what you have to ask him," Addy says sympathetically

"Don't you think I have tried to talk to him? He doesn't want to talk to me. He avoids me. How can I make him understand if he doesn't even look at me?" I feel like I am going to cry. Cooper quickly puts his hand over mine and consoles me. 

"Hey hey, it is going to be okay Bronwyn. Okay? We'll talk to him." Cooper tells me

"No, we won't. If anyone needs to talk to him is Bronwyn and this time he has to listen to her" Addys says adamantly. 

"I don't know Addy. I can't stand his rejection one more time" tears start to fall from my eyes and I quickly wipe them

"Listen to me B, you will talk to him and this time he won't walk away from you. He has to give up. We know Nate thinks that he is doing what's best for you but you need to make him understand that the best thing can only happen when both of you are together. Do you understand me? " 

"How?" I ask quietly. Addy smiles and wipes my tears. 

"Tomorrow is Prom night. And this time you tell him how you feel about him in front of everyone okay?" Addy asks me

I don't say yes or no. I look towards Nate. He is also looking at me. I can see he gets tense because of my tears. I look back at Addy but don't say anything. Addy smirks slightly and pulls me in a hug. 


I am standing in front of my mirror. It's Prom night today. How much did I want to go with Nate? But instead, I am going with Addy and Cooper. Addy says everything is going to be okay but how? I don't know what will I say to Nate? He knows I love him, I want to be with him and Addys says I have to confess in front of everyone. I don't think I can do this

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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