All it Took

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     I watched as my older brother rounded the corner and raced to the finish line. I ran along the side of the road. His car screeched to a halt the second my foot hit the turf.
    The next minute, I was thrown into the air by a pair of strong arms. I screeched and smacked Chase upside the head.

       "Do not do that ever again prickhead" I glared at him and turned around. I heard a wolf whistle somewhere from behind me.
    A boy with ashy blonde and stunning blue eyes stepped forward and smiled at me. It took me 0.2 seconds to realize who he was. Asher...

    As much as I wanted to go over and kiss him, to run my hands through his hair, I turned and walked away.

      It's not because he's a bad boy and I'm lil miss innocent, because trust me I'm not a saint. It's just that his gang and mine well we just don't get along.

     I walked towards the starting line and ran my hand over my car. I was up to race in about twenty minutes.
      "She's a beauty" a voice said from behind me. I turned and looked to see who it was. Again it was Asher.

    "You racing tonight, pretty boy?" I asked him. I watched as his eyes roamed over my body. Just to see what could happen I leaned back against my car and let my hair blow in the wind. Just as I expected he took three steps forward.

      I step forward closing the distance between us. Pressing my chest to his I leaned in. Just before my lips were to touch his I whispered.
    "Your playing with fire, if it were me I'd watch my back" I didn't lean in any further but I didn't lean back either. I just stood there for a second watching his eyes as they traveled from mine to my lips. He leaned just enough to kiss me lightly. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back.

"Watch yourself pretty boy your gonna get hurt." I threw over my shoulder as I walked away rubbing my lips. Tingles were shooting up my arms.
    That was it. That's all it took, that one night is all it took to start A Forbidden Love. And this is our story.

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