1: over welming evergy

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(this will have a little bakugan in it because I was asked and Im only doing the elements so enjoy)

Inuyasha and his friends are on the hunt for noraku but, as usual there are enemies to take the jewel shards from them. Little that they known that some people has most of them and it is Noraku, Inuyasha, and a young demoness. The young demoness was from modern day but, love back then her name was Doruga Fang Alpha Claws.

        -doru pov-

 Running threw the forest with thieves chasing me yelling "Give up the Jewel shards". "Never" I yelled as I was at a cliff side and they were closing in. "You messed with the wrong girl" I said as they charged and I felt someone here. I daughed all of there attacks but, as arrow was fried from one in the back while i was strucked in the arm. They grabbed my Nickolas with the shards and the cliff side collapsed but, I grabbed the shards from them and fell. I screamed as I hit the rocks with such a crash while hearing a woman. I open them as I stood up and I thought I was seeing a men, women, I cute cat and fox demon run up to me. I knew they were thieves as I shifted growling at them as the girl lowered her bow as I knew who they were as I protected the shards.

"Shhh it ok were not going to hurt you" the girl said next to the man with the dogie ears. I shifted back as I started to walk away as I see that cliff as I extended my nails as I climbed along it. 'All I have to do is jump' I thought as I jump as a wolf clanged into me as I hit the ground but, I was in my wolf form. "Still stupid are you growling and carrying on like that" the boy said as I barked. "Kagome look its her" I herd a child yell as I see the group from earlier. I growled at the man "Koga what do you want?" I yelled as he smirked. "Show them who you really are fire breather now give me the shards" he yelled as I gave him a death stare while turning back to my 8 year old girl side. He grabs me by the neck choking me as I feel my body burning. "Not so powerful are you" he says as I growled as I got my dragon Kishe sword out from my gem on my forehead.

"Attribute change" I said as I selected it was always water but, this time is fire. "Pyrus" I yelled as flames covered my body. "Take a step back" I said as my voice sounded cold and evil but, yet It sounded calm. Koga charged at me as I bit my tail engulthing my self in flames as I hit Koga as he was shot back a few feet. "Not bad for a hybrid" he said as he ran off. I sighed and walked away from the group as sun has setten and her the doggie hit the ground the girl fleeing.

I also had to go home to see mom but, she wouldn't mind if i'm late. I walked on the road as I see a man that looked liked Inuyasha but, I just kept on walking while I turned into my wolf because I am pressed for time. They blocked my path as the girl behind the man was shaking as I tilted my head "What do you want wolf" the toad said as I barked and the new moon was out so I had to get out of there. I turned around and walked a few yards back as I turned around and ran tawords them jumping over them and ran to the well jumping in and passing threw.

        "Mother Im home" I barked as I climbed out to see my younger bother leaf scratching my head. "Hey honey food I out side" she said as I see blood packets labled cold or warm. I liked blood that was cold as I shoved the entire bag down my throat. "Thanks mom" I yelled heading back to the well until I see the man from before my brother Blood fave me several packs in a backpack. "Thanks I will return when there isn't anymore" I said jumping in. I climbed out to see the man, toad, and small girl from before as I growled at them.

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