.·:·.☽✧ Preface ✧☾.·:·.

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         It's off putting knowing that someone you see everyday could be gone in an instant. Someone that you love. They could be snatched from existence so fast it leaves you breathless and sitting in shock. Their absence leaves behind a fever.  It wafts into the air like warm smoke from a late night fire, smelling of pine and maybe sulfur. You could choose to inhale and let it eat you up faster than it would take to exhale. Or you could choose to hold your breath, but that alternative isn't quite as nice. It might leave behind a cold, empty feeling in the pit of your chest that corrupts you with constant pain. And even worse, it's all unavoidable. You can only sit and suffer through its course of destruction, all of the pain a constant reminder that the one who held you up high, boosting you to stand on top of the world was forever sleeping in an intricately carved wooden box on your mantle. Either way; you're at it's mercy.
        That box was handed to you with sad eyes. Very dark, empathetic eyes that only seemed to deepen the hole in your chest that your loss created. The man who towers over you dawns those eyes, and his veiny hands grip the box securely, resting it in your shaky ones as if it was made of glass. The contents might as well have been. His face was long and tired looking, his skin a papery white under the soft lights. You nod a thank you and sigh as another equally empathetic guest comes over to hug you or cry on your shoulder. You don't know most of those who reside here with you. You assume they were friends of his that braved the rain to come and pay respects that you could honestly go without. In his honor, you subject yourself to this torment. It's what he would've wanted you to do. He would have told you to remain strong. This emotional overload has started to drown you though. Black is the only thing you see. The creases of the suit jackets and dresses cloud your eyesight. It becomes your only state of being; that black cloud of swarming people hoping to gain closure.       You close your heavy eyes and hope that the next day isn't as dark as this one.

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