★ | 006. there's something wrong with this place

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Book: Burn It Down, House Of Wax
Chapter 6: There's Something Wrong With This Place
Word Count: 1073

Book: Burn It Down, House Of WaxChapter 6: There's Something Wrong With This PlaceWord Count: 1073

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Jacob was looking out the window of the car as they continued to drive. It was pitch black now and he felt like they were getting further and further from civilisation.

"So, um, you think Carly and Wade are going to stay together when she moves to New York." Dalton asked. "Cause she be looking at me sometimes - "

"Dalton it ain't happening." Nick cut him off in a blunt voice.

Jacob raised his eyebrows and looked back at Dalton. "There's no way you actually think you have a chance with Carly. Come on dude, she's way out of your league."

"What? It could happen." Dalton said defensively.

Jacob just hummed and gave him a pitiful look. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, big man."

"Even if it was happening, it ain't happening. Nothing personal." Nick had a protective look in his eyes and Jacob smirked. He was so protective of Carly.

"You like me better then Wade, right?" Dalton questioned.

Nick just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Wade's not so bad."

"Yeah, I like Wade to." Dalton sighed.

"He is very attractive." Jacob said but he hadn't meant to say it out loud. He didn't even realise he did until Nick snapped his head to him and said 'what!'. Jacob realised what he done and laughed it off. "I was only joking. He looks like a troll." He lied.

"No, he doesn't." Dalton said confused.

"Well, he does to me, Dalton!" Jacob said quickly and smiled at Nick. He pointed and winked at him. "You're the only guy I find attractive."

"Uh huh, sure." Nick said with a playful roll of his eyes. He appreciated Jacob's effort to try and make him feel better.

They drove for a little longer before they came to a stop in front of a water and rock filled ditch. They wouldn't be able to get through it in the car. Jacob was the first to get out and have a look, Nick and Dalton following close behind him.

"Is this it?" Dalton asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Nick responded.

"Should was drive through it do you think?" Dalton asked.

Jacob gave him a look. "Through all that?"

"I don't know, I could do it." Dalton said as he scratched his chin.

"I appreciate the confidence but there is no way you could drive through that." Jacob said with a shake of his head.

"No, let's give him a chance." Nick said and threw the keys to Dalton. Now that Dalton had the keys he inspected the ditch and frowned. Nick and Jacob shared a look. "That's what I thought." Nick said knowingly.

Dalton locked the car before they began to walk over it on foot.

Jacob made sure to keep close behind Nick just in case he fell. They had to step on the rocks to avoid getting wet and the rocks were pretty slippery.

They just about made it across when Nick's foot slipped from under him. He fell backwards but luckily, Jacob had seen it coming and easily caught him. "Whoa, there clumsy." He said with a laugh.

"I'm not clumsy." Nick huffed as Jacob helped straighten him up. "But thank you for saving me from the water, hero." He laughed.

Jacob kept his hands on Nick's waist as they moved out of the ditch. Dalton was watching from behind and sighed, "why can't that be me and Carly." He mumbled to himself.

Jacob had still heard him though and yelled over his shoulder, "not happening, Dalton!"

They walked forward into the town and Jacob looked around. The roads were empty but all the lights were on. It was really quiet to. It was late but it wasn't that late where there shouldn't be a soul walking around.

"Hello?" Dalton called out as they walked towards the gas station. "Carly! Wade!" He called out again and opened the door to the station since it seemed to be unlocked. "Man, there's music playing but I don't think there is anyone here."

Jacob pursed his lips and walked over to him. Indeed, there was some incredibly loud music playing from inside, loud enough to make his ears ring. He looked into the glass window but didn't see anyone. "This is so weird. Where is everyone?" He questioned.

Nick just shrugged. "No one's here." He said before putting his hands in his jacket pocket and beginning to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Dalton asked.

"To the grocery store we passed, I'm thirsty." He answered.

Jacob put his hand over his stomach and groaned. "Yeah, I could really go for a packet of chips. I'm starving." He said and followed after Nick. There was no harm in making a little detour before finding Wade and Carly.

"What about your sister and Wade, man?" Dalton said, his feet planted on the ground since he wasn't going with them.

"Maybe they're at the store." Nick suggested but quickly stopped when he felt Dalton staring into his back. "What?"

"I don't know, man. I mean we came all this way. Don't you think we should just look for them." Dalton said and began to chew on his nails. Something he did when he was nervous. This town seemed to be freaking him out. Jacob didn't blame him. He wasn't to fond of it either and wanted to leave as soon as possible... right after he got his snacks.

"All right, check it. Me and Jacob are going to go this way, you go that way. We don't find them, we meet back here and go back to the road. Cool?" Nick asked.

"Okay." Dalton said slowly.

They split up and Jacob looked other his shoulder at Dalton who seemed to be getting further away. "Should we really be leaving him?" He asked.

"What's the worse that could happen?" Nick asked and grabbed his hand.

"Yeah, you're right." Jacob breathed out and interlocked their fingers. Why was he being so weird? He hated that he was acting like a wimp. So he straightened his back and pretended that he wasn't one bit afraid of this freaky little town. They would be back to the car in no time and he could forget all about this place.

★ ★ ★

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