lucifer fluffy shi😘💕🤞

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It was almost 2:00 in the morning, and you and Levi remained wide awake, grinding your favorite game to play with him. All was going well, and you were at the brink of hitting your goal, when suddenly, your stern boyfriend, Lucifer's steps could be heard throughout the hallways closest to his room. The house of lamentation was a huge place, and you knew almost immediately he was after you and Levi. The RAD was having an enormous assembly tomorrow, and he made it clear he did not want to see a single one of you up past midnight. But you and Levi shrugged it off, as you always did. This time, he was serious. "Levi, go, go, go!" You whispered harshly, scrambling to turn the tv off and unplug your headsets. After you had shut down your setup, you swiftly grabbed Levi's hand and guided him to the bathtub in the middle of his room, hurriedly climbing in and gesturing for him to do so as well. "Come on, we don't want Lucifer sniffing us out! This is gonna be way too obv-" Levi stopped his fast paced whispering when the door began to open, and quickly flopped onto the bed, creating a sleep like position. Lucifer steadily walked in and glanced down at the "sleeping" two of you. He let out a small chuckle and uttered, "Perhaps this would work on Mammon...But nice try." That statement was quite kind for Lucifer, as the way you were arranged...really would not have fooled anyone.  "Now, head to your designated room, ____. You will both face your punishments before the assembly begins." You heard his words loud and clear, however your stubborn, and slightly intimidated feelings refused you to give up the act. A displeased look was painted on Lucifer's face, in absolute disbelief that you were still trying to convince him you were actually sleeping. Though an idea came to his mind, which he was ultimately willing to try. "So, you're not willing to give up your...painfully obvious act? Well, then I guess I'll just have to force you out of it then..." What happened next was something unexpected. You felt a tickle at your sensitive spot and couldn't help but let out a whimper, twitching a bit. You expected him to stop after this, but you soon found that you were sorely wrong. Soon you were shaking and laughing uncontrollably, screaming for him to stop and trying to push him away, but he wouldn't seem to budge (that masochist-) . When he was finally pleased, he did you the favor of carefully lifting you up from the bed, allowing you to wrap around him as he carried you to your room. On the way out of Levi's you could see him laying still, eyes wide open and smiled in amusement before burying your head into Lucifer's neck. It was so warm and comfortable, the feeling of love and desire it gave you to be held in his arms. You started to drift off to sleep in his embrace as he was just upon the staircase leading up to your room, and as you reached your room Lucifer carefully placed you upon your bed, placing a loving kiss upon your forehead. He cared about you greatly, but his pride was simply too large to completely show his affection. Though, the following morning you did not receive the type of punishment you were anticipating...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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