CH 1: Contemporary

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(Yes, I’m doing this again, but this time, I have something I didn’t have before: PLOT!!!)

“Benjamin!!! Wake up!! You’ll be late for school!!!” Ben slowly wakes up to the angry, but dramatic voice of his mother. He sits up in his bed, stretching and yawning. His messy hair covers his obsidian black eyes. “Beeeeeenn!!~ Up, up, out of bed!!~” Benjamin flinches at his mother’s voice getting louder and slowly sounding much more annoyed. He rushed to his closet, undressing quickly and putting on his sweatshirt and some blue jeans.
“I-I’m up!!” He dashes out of his bedroom, and down the stairs.
“Well, good. You don’t wanna be late on the first day of school, do you, darling?~” Ben looks at the floor and shakes his head. “The bus should be coming over here in 10 or 20 minutes. That SHOULD give you a little time to eat breakfast and get fully ready. Instead of going to school with that bed head.~” She pats Ben’s messy hair. That makes Ben snap and remember something.
“Uh….M-Mom...have you seen my buret? It wasn’t upstairs.”
“Sport. Catch.” Ben turns around and his dad tosses his buret to him. He catches it and puts it on. He looks at his father. “Keep track of that next time.”
“T-Thanks, dad…”
(Uh...After breakfast, I guess...)
The horn of a bus honks from outside of Ben’s house. “Ah- The bus! I gotta go!” Ben runs upstairs to get his light cyan messenger bag. It had small pins on it in pastel green, blue, purple, and red, along with small paint splatters on all parts of the bag. As he grabs his things, the sketchbook underneath his bag falls on the floor. He looks at it, hesitatingly, thinking about stuffing it into his bag and sneaking it to school. “....Nah!” He proceeds out of his bedroom door, and immediately dashes to his book, stuffed it into his bag, and runs off.
“Bye, Benny!!~”
“Bye mom, bye dad!” He dashed out the front door, to the bus, and was about to jump inside. Until his best friend, Grace, who went to another school, had stopped him. “Benjy! Is that you?!~” a familiar voice called out to him. When he saw a light coral-ish pink shine within the crowd, it made him smile, his childhood friend and soon-to-be wife, Grace, rushed over to him. “Hey there, Benny! It’s been a while! How’ve you been? How’re your parents? How’s, well...everything?!”

“Hey, Grace. Nothing real exciting happened during summer. I was mostly in my room painting.”

“As always. I’m not surprised.” She giggles and boops Ben’s nose. “I’m just curious, that’s all! Any-whoozles! How does it feel? Y’now. New school. New you, I guess.”

“Actually-” Grace’s best friend Carol taps her shoulder.

“Hey. You coming or what?”

“U-Um… actually, I was-” Carol smiles and drags Grace off. “G-Gotta goes, I guess!!” Ben waves and laughs. His laughter fades as he realizes he is alone again. He walks onto the bus and looks at the ground to make sure the “accidental leg” doesn’t trip him like back in his other school. He sits down and sighs. His eyes gaze at the fast trees blinking by. He spaces out and tries to think about happy thoughts. He brings his legs up and wraps his arms around his knees. ‘Keep it together, Ben. You’re not gonna be lonely. At least…’ Even his thoughts are speechless. His eyes go foggy. ‘You…can’t cry.’ Benjamin wipes his eyes with his thumb. ‘If you do, people will laugh at you. They’ll call you a crybaby. And your entire day will be ruined-’ His thoughts are interrupted by a sudden clinking noise. Someone in a hoodie knocks on the seat.

“Oi.” Ben gets startled he looks next to him and gets a good look at him. His hair was orange. Ginger. He had a black bandana with a white X on the front of it. He had a hoodie on with ripped jeans and slightly baggy pants. His hood was over his head, his eyes were white like snow, and the left side of his head was shaved, leaving only a slightly curly part of the right of his hair and freckles peeking out of his mask shyly. He was also tall and had a barely noticeable accent. Yum. Benjamin focused on all of his features and blushed at every small cute detail on his face. On his hands. His clothes. So focused he had forgotten to speak. "Mår du bra?" Benjamin made a confused look.


"Oh, sorry. I thought you didn't understand what I said, so I uh...I-It's a habit, judge me if you want."

"N-No, I'm not gonna judge you! I think it's impressive!"

"Uh...thanks. Swedish doesn't sound that impressive, but okay, I guess." Pico looks at the seat. “Sorry to pinch your ear on this, but I was just wondering if…”

“O-Oh!” Benjamin moves his bag from the seat next to him to under where he’s sitting at. Pico sits down and takes a deep breath out. “Are you tired?”

“Yeah. I had to run across my neighborhood. Overslept.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. Um…” He digs into his backpack and pulls out a water bottle. “Here.” Benjamin motions a water bottle in Pico’s direction.

“Oh, no. It’s fine. I run away from a lot of stuff, so this is just fine.”

“Okay.” Ben’s eyes pop after a few seconds. “W-Wait, what?!”

“Heh. It’s nothing.” Ben looks at him for a second but brushes it off. He sighs and reaches into his bag. He turns to the wall next to him and pulls out a sketchbook and a pencil. He starts slowly drawing concept circles on the paper, barely erasing marks on the paper. “Hey. I never got your name.”

“M-My name?!” Ben covers his face with his sketchbook and holds back from doing something he doesn’t want to do. “It’s…well…”

“If you’re not fine with it, I can just tell you my name. Pico. Pico Grounds.”

“...I think I’ve heard your name. Do you…have Instagram?”

“Oh, you follow me. My Insta is out there, huh?”

“So it is you! You’re probably the best graffiti artist I’ve seen. But…I’ve always wondered. Have you…gotten permission to do it on public property?” Pico chuckles with a smile that says, ‘Does it matter, hun?’ Benjamin looks at his sketchbook. He looks back at him. “Well…My name is Benjamin Fairest.”

“Holy shit. You’re the Fairests’ son. I always thought you went to some really big fancy-schmancy private school for singing or something.”

“I don’t sing. At least, not in front of people. I like to draw.”

“Huh. Your dad’s Insta says otherwise.” Benjamin puts his knees up to his chin and looks to the side, shamefully. “I do wanna ask though. Why do you always look so cheery and stuff when you're on Instagram but when in real life you’re so…I dunno, Angsty.” The bus suddenly comes to a screeching halt. Ben’s mind snaps back to him and he gets out of the corner he was practically trapped into.

“Gotta go. Sorry!” Ben runs off of the bus to avoid the question. Pico raised an eyebrow. He grabbed his backpack and walked off the bus. He felt as though something was wrong with Benjamin.

“Hiii, Pico!!!~” He turned to his left. His friends, Nene and Darnell ran towards him. Nene jumped onto him and hugged him as if she was a cat.

“Hey, Nene. Sup, Darnell.”

“What up, Cuh?” Darnell gives Pico a fist bump. “Any deets on the drama?”

“Yeah! Apparently, there are two guys on my bus that have a thing for each other. One of them is really shy and the other’s really straightforward. They’re sooooo in love!!”

“Well…I don’t know if I should say it…”

“C’mon, it’s like a tradition!!”

“Yeah, Pico-co! Tell us!” Pico looks to the side.

“Fine, but this is seriously private. So don’t spread it around.”

“Bro, what?!”

“Darnell.” They stare intensely for a few seconds. Darnell rolls his eyes. “Okay. Do you guys remember that rapper. Father Fairest.”

“Duh. He was a legend!”

“Well, his son? He goes to this school. I met him on the bus.” Nene and Darnell’s jaws drop.

“No. Fucking. Way.”

“That could be the drama of the week.”

“No, the year.” They all laugh. “Okay c’mon! We gotta get to class.”

(Im balencing, like 3 stories at a time, help me- Word count: 1437)

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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