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Hello there my lovely readers! Welcome to my first Reader insert fanfic! I'm super excited and hopefully this is okay! Anyways, enjoy! Also Cardinal will be updated soon!


You sighed as you walked through the halls of G Block trying to find your cell, which was going to be your new home for the next couple of years or perhaps the rest of your life.

You thought of the incident that happened between you and a gang two days ago.

So how did you end up in Wonderland?

It all started when you were walking home from a long day at school. It was scorching hot outside and you just wanted to get home. You lived near a busy street and didn't feel like dealing with the traffic so you went down an alleyway which was close to your house.

As you walked down the dark alley you heard a few whispers and quiet laughter. A wave of terror washed over you and you became paranoid.

You looked behind you and saw that noone was there. Sighing with a little bit of relief you continued to walk until a group of two young men and one young women who looked like they were in their 20's stopped you.

"Woah babe, where do you think you're going?" One of them asked and stopped you from walking.

"I don't have time for this." You snapped,"I need to get through!"

"Yeah, well I don't think so. Why don't you just hang out with us for a while?" The other male grabbed a piece your (h/l) (h/c) hair and tucked it behind your ear.

"Don't touch me and seriously?! I need to go." You started to walk past them until they both grabbed you

"Let go of me!" You hissed and tried to break free from their grasp.

"Oh! We have a fighter~" the girl appeared and started to laugh while pulling out a knife.

Sweat started to bead in your brow and you started kicking and squirming.

You heard a whoosh and felt a nasty sting on your cheek. The girl had cut up some of your cheek which was starting to bleed. Your anger was building up. You've Had it with these fools. As more blood rushed down your cheek, something felt odd.

"I said let me go!!!" You screamed and your blood turned into a spike like weapon which had killed the three.

Now here you are, stuck in prison. Luckily you haven't been jumped yet. After all, you are living in the most dangerous part of Deadman Wonderland.

Tamaki squealed when he first saw you. He knew something was different about you and that's what made him assign you to a cell in G Block.

You made your way to your cell which was really dull and boring; Gray walls and a bed in the middle of it. Thank god you had your own bathroom (it would be really awkward if you had to share with other inmates besides you have no idea what diseases they carry.)

"Boring isn't it?"

You heard a voice and turned around to see a male about two inches taller than you, milky white skin, mint green hair, golden eyes, and a weird outfit with what looked like targets on the droopy sleeves.

Is he really a prisoner? You thought to yourself and sighed.

"...very boring." You muttered and looked down at the ground.

The male grinned and eyed you up and down. "You must be new here?" He smirked.

You nodded and sighed.

"Odd question but...what exactly are you doing here? Who even are you?" You asked the boy impatiently.

"Well they call me Mockingbird but my name is Toto Sakigami." Toto held his pale stitched hand towards you.

They? Who's they? You thought to yourself.

You shook his hand," I'm (y/n) uh...why Mockingbird?"

"Eh it's a long story. Have you heard of Carnival Corpse?"

You shook your head causing some of your (h/c) locks to fall in your face.

"Oh? But you're in G Block. Surely you must be a Deadman."

"Dead what now?"

"A Deadman. We use our branch of sin to fight others for money and prizes. Though all the battles are rather bloody~☆" He giggled and licked his lips.

Branch of sin? Deadman? You stared blankly. Maybe you were just really tired. After all it had been a long day.

"Look I'm really tired and this whole Deadman thing is making no sense to me. Could you like I don't know come back tomorrow and explain some more?" You asked.

"I'll leave right after I get a taste of the newest birdie~☆" He jumped behind you and lifted you up licking your cheek slowly.

You started to tremble. "Let go of me!"

"Easy there (y/n)-chan it's just one lick~☆"

A lick to Spare (Toto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now